im a born U.S citizen my husband is from the islands we got married here in the u.s 2001 and we have a 4yr old son he file for his papers but got turn around by an officer at the ins office becuse i dont make that much money they told him he need an affidivate of support so he find a relative to co sign for him and he went back to his country to get some paper work he needed and on reentry to the u.s the ins officer ask him some question have he ever had any conviction he said yes back in 1995 two misdermenor the officer had the paper works of his conviction in front of them and they said under the homeland security law any foeigners who has conviction 2 or more no matter wut it is they are gonna turn them around its not like he kill sombody or did a serious crime or drug activity he had some running with the law in the past he never even been in prison for nothing and they turn him around for a minor misdermenor its been a year now i've been to lawyers they a waste of money they say with wuts going on now its hard for every foreigners who is trying to apply wut can i do. if anybody has a solution help please its like i tried everything