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My DV_2009 experience


Registered Users (C)
First of all I would like to thank God for every great thing happened and all the people in this forum for sharing ideas, thoughts, and experiences.

Here is my DV experience,

My boy friend and I are from Africa pursuing our education in Germany. We fill the DV 2009. And my boy friend won it. We were so happy about it and confused what to do with it. The thing is we have been together for the last 9 years, and when we fill out the form our marital status was single. We asked round our friends and people from their experience what should we do. Most people told us it is suicide if you guys want to change your marital status after sending back the first NL. Therefore we send back the first NL as single person, and we went back to Africa for vacation. And my boy friend proposed to be when we were back home. It was the happiest day. We made our engagement official and got our marriage certificate and come back to Germany to finish our studies.

In the mean time I come across to this forum and dig a little bit, and it gave us an idea/chance of we both having a chance. Based on that we filled a new form of DS-230 as married couple and send the updated form to KCC. After a week we emailed KCC to confirm if they received our update, and they confirmed it. And after a month or so we call back to them to check if my name is included on my husband’s case, and funny thing happened, the lady on the phone told us that they didn’t receive any update. Even if we told them they confirmed it, they said no. And we ask them if we can send them back again, they told us that your case is now send to the embassy consular section, so you should talk to them. At that time our case number AF16xxxx was current. We panic a little bit, but we called to the embassy, and they told us that, they will send us the DS-230 form that should be filled by me. They send us the form we filled it up and send back to them. And we called them back to check if the received it and if I am included in the case, they told us that everything is fine, and we both can come on our interview date. Which was on May 11th 2009.

Our interview was scheduled at 8 AM, we arrived there round 7:15, and peoples were already there. Being an immigrant visa applicant was nice, there was no much queue in that section. When we arrive there, the security guard told us to bring out our passports and appointment letter. We should him and he send us to a window outside the consular building. The lady asked us our passports and told us if we have any electronic thing to put it somewhere else. By the way “YOU SHOULD NOT BRING ANY ELECTRONIC THING TO THE EMBASSY”. They are very serious about it, if you do they will tell you to put it somewhere, in kiosk or somewhere, they don’t even have a place for you to keep it. If you are doing your CP in Frankfurt, be aware of this.

Any ways, the lady check our names on the list and give us a number and told us to go through a gate for security check. In this place they make you pass through a sensor door. Make sure not to have any heavy metal belt, watch, or anything. I had an umbrella, it was raining, and they took that and gave me a number to ask them on my way out. And also I had water, they told me to make a sip of it, just to make sure it is water. After passing up the security check we go to a big hall which can hold round 300 peoples. There is a guy on the door who will tell where to see for the applicants. He told us to see at the left side for the hall where all immigrant peoples were sitting.

After waiting for a while our number was called at the far left window, there was a lady there she asked us one photo each and gave us a paper which tells how to arrange our documents, and another paper which will be signed by the main applicant, something like, swearing everything is true. In addition to that she told us if we didn’t bring a 4.25 euro stamp we can buy it from the machine in the hall. But we already brought that. And she told us to pay for the visa on the next window. We did that and start waiting for our number to be called again.

We almost waited an hour and half. The funny thing is while we were sitting there peoples who came after us are even start calling their numbers but not us. Any ways at last we are called. At the window there was a lady, she checked every document of my husbands. Starting from Education, Birth certificate, Marriage certificate, Police certificate (since the age of 16), and Affidavit form (I-134). We gave her all, and on the Affidavit form she asked us ID of the sponsor, tax return, and bank statement. We gave that too. She said everything is fine. After that we gave her my documents, she said my education is not necessary because my husband is the main applicant. She just took Birth certificate, marriage certificate, and police certificate. She took all photo copies for every document except the police certificates. After she checks everything, she told us everything is fine, and took the stamp we brought and told us to write our current address on an envelope. And she told us that, they will send our passports with visa and our documents within this envelope. And in this envelope there will be a stamped envelope which should not be opened by us but on the POE only the qualified person should open it. And she gave us some kind of book which tells everything what we can do after getting to the US. After that she told us again to wait for our number to be called for last time.

We waited for round 20 mins, and we are called, the guy was very nice and friendly, he asked us to give our finger prints. After doing that, he just asked a couple of question, HU (Husband)

CP: Who won the lottery?
HU: He (my husband)
CP: Very luck to won from Africa because there are many applicants from there. Was this your first trial.
HU: No I tried a couple of times.
CP: What are you going to do in US?
HU: Am thinking to do my MSc.
CP: How about you? (looking at me)
ME: Am thinking to work.
CP: oh ya I see you have MSc. That is nice. So where are you going to stay.
HU: For a while we will be at relatives place, but we will change, where they live is a little bit cold and my wife doesn’t like that.
CP: oh ya, you should change, that place is cold. That is nice. Everything is fine. Welcome to the US, and enjoy your stay. We will send your passports within 5-10 working day.
WE: Thank you very much.

And we left the consular. And we got our visas today by mail.

Thanks to God everything went well.

Thank you to all too.
that was a beautiful experience, and story!
well written!

good luck with all your endeavors in the U.S
Yes, congratulations to you and your hubby on the success of the consular process. In effect, any single winner can always "sponsor" his/her partner after receiving the NL. That is nice to know.

And we ask them if we can send them back again, they told us that your case is now send to the embassy consular section, so you should talk to them.