My case was approved and Wife's Case got transfered


Registered Users (C)
Guys... can anyone help.
My details,
RD 01/23/2002
RFE 10/31/2003
AD 12/11/2003

Guys I have checked my case and it says that it got approved.... but Unfortunately :( My wifes case has been transfered to the Local INS office. Do any one of you guys have any idea why.? is this hapened before? I can also see one more thread saying that both have been transfered to check if they are living together... but in my case mine got approved...and hers got transfered.
Please let me know if anyone has info....
I am having some difficulty phrasing this in a manner that would convey my point without offending you. I suppose you have silently visited (and I might add, benefited) these forums for some time now. When you had an issue, you decided to quickly register and post your question! How do you expect people to share their opinions and advice if you have never thought it fit to have done so yourself? Dont you think it would have been a better deal all-round to have contributed a few words and opinions while you were browsing, and then pose your question? It is somewhat dismaying to see this free-loading trend growing these days.

I am no keeper of theses forums and they seem to be attracting enough members to sustain the board in spite of the lurkers, but it would be a real shame if people forgot the most fundamental principle of free internet resources like these forums; their viability is singularly dependent upon the participants' willingness to enthusiastically share information on a purely voluntarily basis for mutual benefit.

As regards your question, INS may be having some questions on your marriage and will probably schedule you and your spouse for an interview. It should be a rather simple affair to establish that both of you are indeed bound in a conjugal contract! It does not look like there is anythng to worry about.

hi Sankrityayan,

I never knew until now that there is such thing existed.
Sorry if I offended you guys in any way....
I have been calling some of my friends for help and one of them sugested that I can get help here.....
Thanks a lot for your reply
Originally posted by transfered
hi Sankrityayan,

I never knew until now that there is such thing existed.
Sorry if I offended you guys in any way....
I have been calling some of my friends for help and one of them sugested that I can get help here.....
Thanks a lot for your reply

Thanks for clarifying that. But Sankrit's post makes sense too. It's the general thing that one in 50 people who read the post actually reply to it or provide input. In your case that's understandable.

I think it is ok to get help here when you needed

As per Sankrityayan, it would be nice for one to post his ideas instead of just silently browsing. But it is definitely ok for many of us to request help or post updates here when needed. After all, the purpose of this site is to gain help from others.

Transfered: Good luck to your wife's interview and post the updates here.

GC Don
Hi transfered,

You are welcome to the forum. I am sure Sakrit intended no offence. Please post any further developments in your wife's case.

Congratulation and good luck !
ON one of the posts yesterday ..

- a detailed post - at that, one of the contributing members of the forum had explained in detail as to what was needed to establish the marriage, if necessary, at the time the beneficiary and the spouse will be interviewed.. a partial list may include:

Copy of the apartment lease agreement that has both the husband and the wife's name
Copy of utility bills with both names
Car insurance.. Driver's license with the same address etc.. apparently are not enough...

Try and locate the post... if I do I will post a link here

No offence but transfering to a local INS office is not good news. I have heard that it takes 12 months sometimes to fix up a date for an interview.
Just try to get a date for an interview as soon as possible.

A message to Sankrityayan a brother is in trouble help him out and help should be without malice nor prejudice.

"Just try to get a date for an interview as soon as possible"
I thought they will send us the Interview date.... By the statement above do you think that there is a way that we can get it by calling them or something?
You won't be able to influence the interview date (my guess). But sometimes INS transfers to the wrong local office. In that case you'll need to call that local office to have the file transfered to your local office. Hope this doesn't happen to you.

Yes, sometimes, it can take up to a year to schedule your interview, depending on where you live.

Check for posts by Indian New Yorker for more details.
Originally posted by Raj_nsc
No offence but transfering to a local INS office is not good news. I have heard that it takes 12 months sometimes to fix up a date for an interview.
Just try to get a date for an interview as soon as possible.

A message to Sankrityayan a brother is in trouble help him out and help should be without malice nor prejudice.

I have neither malice nor prejudice towards anyone, least of all towards somebody trying to comprehend INS's inscrutable ways. I was merely trying to draw people's attention to what I regard as a sine qua non of forums such as these.

"With justice to all and malice towards none" - Abraham Lincoln

You're right you will receive interview dates from the local INS office and these dates can be a long wait. One of my friends had been given such a date, he called up and requested them for an earlier date and they would'nt budge. The reason given was they have enough back-logs to be cleared.

He has lately resigned to his fate and just waits for his time, which is up after 2 months.
Time it takes to get an interview call from the local office really depends on your location. I was in the same boat and my wife's case got transferred to Detroit INS office. The interview notice was sent within a month after transfer and the interview was held wirhing 2 months after transfer. This is a pretty routine procedure and should not be a cause for any concern.

There are separate tracking threads within this forum for local transfers - you might be able to get a good idea of the time it takes in your local office.


Can you update what they have asked your wife in the interview.. and what all the documents you have shown to justify.