My case transffered to Interview....


Registered Users (C)
Hi, all
I got call from my attony today for bad news....
My case has been transffered to LA office for interview.

I am so depressed right now.....
It\'s been more than 7 years since I involved immigration matter.
This is way too much.
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Sorry to hear that your case has been transffered to the local office. Now another wait begins - i have heard LA office takes a long time to call you for an interview. try to move it to the westminister office. there was an approval a few days back and the person had changed it and got approved.

Take heart and i am sure you will get ur card - it is just a matter of time. i have been waiting for 6 years. looks like the people with older PD\'s are being punished again instead of being liberal with him. i saw another person\'s case transffered to local office whose pd was in 1996.

Probably INS gets a doubt and cant beleive that we stuck to the same job for 6 years and hoping to find a violation.

there is 245(i) in case u were out of status at anytime. there has been a suggestion to take your lawyer with you to the interview.

Good luck.
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Hi, hariA. Thanks for your warm word.
When I read your reply, I feel little bit better...
Yes, I agree what you say (it is just a matter of time)and I colud be more relaxed if I do not have strange history about my past.

However I must confess something about my case why I got depressed this much....

I started this time of Emplyment Based immigrant pettition from Jan. 1996. But before that I had Green Card Fraud in 1993.

At that time, I probably (I\'m not 100% sure) have filed as a Political Asylum once. My Finger Print was taken that time.

At the begining of this time of EB pettition, I told my current attorny about my past GC Fraud story and he says "That is no problem with your new case". That is why I decided to start do this EB procedure.

My ND/RD is 09/00 and I got FP notice 3 times, now my case going to transffer to interview. Today I spoke with my current attony and he thinks the reason of all those are from my old case.
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This is terrible. I am so sorry to hear the transfer. You probably
have to wait at least six months before LA office schedules you
an interview.

Your lawyer is right. The reason for the transfer is almost certain
to be your past history. A NSC folk has had a simialr case like
yours. He was charged with immigration fraud years ago and then
filed his case again in EB category. The case was transferred to
local office for an interview, and then later denied (reason of
denial is fraud in the past). He was asked to leave the country

I did not mean to scare you even more, but the above info is for
your reference. At any rate, please look at the bright side and
keep us all posted.

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I am sorry to hear your case too. Do not get depressed. Just tell the truth if they ask during the interview regarding your previous attempt. Everything should be OK. I also waited for 6 years and got my GC after three attempts (First 2 attempts of GC did not go upto 485 stage - changed jobs). I understand the pain of waiting. Best of luck.

No Title

I have clearly make sure with my current attorney about this GC fraud do not have any bad influence for my new case at the beginning of 1996.

My current attorney said, all the asylum cases are “invalid” if the applicant going out US even once, so you are fine.

Let me tell my GC fraud case …..

I came to US in 1991; at that time I was a just tourist.
I met some Japanese people while spending a few months in LA.

In 1992, I have lived in Canada with working holiday status.
About time to my 1-year working visa expirer, I got call from one of Japanese guy I met in LA in 1991. He asked to me if I am interested to be permanent residence in US after finish my Canadian working permit. I answered yes if it possible. I didn’t ask any detail how to do it.

He also tries to rush me to prepare the application but I asked other people know about this guy if he is trustable or not. They said he is a good person as much as they know about him so far.

In August 1992, I flew from Vancouver, Canada to LAX just do this application.
That day, this guy (Mr. K) he was waiting for me at LAX airport and took me straight to one of building located in somewhere in Orange County.

That building has a little bit odd atmosphere to me. Most of things in that place were written in some kind of Arabic language. Also the building has funny sign as “The Diet”.

All the documents were ready to sign and I have told to do finger print and picture taken.
I actually felt that time, “Is this normal thing to do at the immigrant petition or not.”

I was so ignorant…..

While a few minutes of waiting at the room, I picked up and save some of the business cards and brochures as much as I can with out letting them know from that place.

(Because I wanted to know where I am right now and who is these people working this strange place.)

Right next day, I flew back to Vancouver, Canada.

In October 1992, I arrived in LA again and met Mr. K. He told me your application was submitted and you will get your working permit in next a couple of month.

I asked him how to do this kind of things, and he did not answer my question clearly.
I start worry at that time. The fee they were asking me was $5,000.
I though it is average fee for this kind of petition without knowing anything about immigrant procedure.

For next few months, I was just waiting to hear something.
Doing nothing everyday, I am getting nervous. One day I received a letter from INS LA Asylum Office.
My English is still limited and my English was almost none at that time (1992); I looked up the dictionary the word “Asylum” and find out the meaning.

I was very upset about this and called Mr. K. He was remain very calm and told me do not worry about this. We’ll get your GC so you just wait.

I asked him to stop doing this immediately and get my money back.
I got my entire fee back in few weeks and I just left LA in 1993.

Yesterday, I actually went this address to make sure the address in these business cards I picked up seven years ago is the place I was in.

The address was correct but they were already moved out. I visited other office in that same building asked about them, but I did not find any clue.

Finally, I met person knows about seven years ago, this person gave me some information about where they have moved and their name.

She wrote down the name “DAAS, MUSTAFA” and “DA’AS International services” on the paper.

My memories start spin…. Yah… I remember the word “MUSTAFA”. Yes, other people in that place called him Mustafa…..

Mr. K snatched the letter from Asylum office in 1993 from me, and the letter never return. (I still have envelop but not the letter)
I truly do not have any evidence left with this matter.
It is really painful moment for me to accept this after spent so many years of waiting for this case.

Things already done cannot be undone, but I want find out this person and find out how far I went this GC fraud case.

Seeing many approvals have same ND/RD as mine makes me regret even more what I have done to myself…..

Always I appreciated information and encouragements in this BBS.
Maybe I should not write this story today but I have no one to talk this kind of problems…

Forgive me if this kind of posting is not appropriate for this board.


I still wish everyone in this board for Best Luck!!