Inactivity Fees and more on AMTD
Just want to make sure we are on the same page:
I was trying to be funny by disclosing my position in AMTD, which happens to be ticker symbol for Ameritrade.
Ameritrade bought out Datek. Datek was a privately held company and their trades were 9.99 for market and 10.99 for limit, if i'm not mistaken.
When you go to you'll see the 'client login' button, but if you go to you'll get the Ameritrade branding, a 'Datek Login' and the old datek experience. THe site will be coloured with the Ameritrade look. I don't think the two companies are completely merged to the point of provided the same 1099 stmts to datek and ameritrade customers, ie: same format.
Re. Format:
I you were previously a DATEK customer you'll need to figure out your gain/loss for IRS reporting from the 1099 you are issued for tax year 2002 by Ameritrade.
If you were previously an Ameritrade customer, I don't know if the new Ameritrade 1099 is streamlined for IRS submittance, I don't think it is.
Inactivity Fees
I think you'll have a difficult time running away from inactivity fees, most brokerages are charging them, in the 'post internet bubble' the trend is in that direction. If you are holding securities 'long' you may be better off considering other alternatives.
You do not need a GC to have a brokerage account, only need to be legal resident.
AMTD - well managed company, but do see disclaimer below.
At the time of this note I am still LONG AMTD