My AOS interview experience in Philly. CHAPTER CLOSED and Life goes on...

Raju in Philly

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Hi Friends,
I guess when the timing is right everything happens and it happens for good. A lot of you may not be familiar with my case well here is just a short version of my case. I am an Indian citizen married to USC. We applied for my Green card in Chicago and our receipt date was 07/25/02. I was fingerprinted for the FBI on Jan 12 2004 and our AOS interview was on May 12th 2004 the interview went fantastic but I still could not get my Green-card (stamp on my passport) since my Name-check from the FBI was not complete yet. 3 months after the interview we moved to Philly (cause of job opportunities). Well since I had been waiting on this name check to be cleared by the FBI forever I decided to meet our local US Congressman and with good luck I talked to the congressman himself for over 30 min and he assured me that things will move fast. He instructed his staff to get on my case and told them that if any one gives them a hard time let him know so he could talk to them personally (And boy he was right). 3 weeks ago I got a call from the congressman’s office that my name check from the FBI was cleared and it was sent to the USCIS. But the USCIS told the congressman that they needed new fingerprints for FBI check since my last one’s had expired. WOW they were fast. In just 2 days I got a letter from the USCIS asking me for a fresh set of prints. Also I got a notice for a EAD card prints (since they were expiring in Sept I had applied for those too. What a waste $175) So I went and did those on the first date of the notice July 29 2005. Just this Thu I got a letter again from the INS saying that me and my wife had to appear for a 2nd AOS interview (we were like what is this? Why again?) Anyway the major problem was in early 2005 (Feb I think) I had applied for my Advance Parole and I got approved (another waste $165 thinking god knows how long this name-check will take I wanted to see my parents badly since I had not seen them for 4 years now). I even booked my tickets in for AUG 2005. You guys won’t believe what the interview date was set in Philly (yep the same date I was leaving the US on Advance Parole 12 days from today). I got a fever for 2 days as I was just helpless thinking what can I do. (Now I knew I could reschedule but I did not want to leave the US under these circumstance) Anyway Just today morning me and my wife took a chance and we woke up at 4.00am and drove to Philly (with of course all our documents thinking if we get interviewed great if not oh well and most importantly to speak with a immigration officer in person to explain to them that it was just impossible to attend the interview in Philly as I was leaving on the same date. (Not to mention we had already been through this before) Once we reached the INS (of course there was a huge line). We told the outside security personnel’s that it was an emergency case and we showed him the tickets (he told us that they were really busy but he would inform the top bosses upstairs to ask how they could help. He told us to wait but with uncertainty it may take an hour or 5 hours since they have appointments set already. I told him take all the time they need I was ready to wait till 6.00pm if I have to he told me they close at 3.00pm he he he and this was at 7.45am) At 9.30am he says go upstairs with a big smile (I was so happy) Anyway we go wait and a officer comes over and takes us to his office (I remembered our interview last year in Chicago exactly the same). Anyway he puts us on oath and asks me oh 15-20 questions in 5 min (it almost looked like he was just doing it as a formality since he had all answers in front of him. He was a very kind/polite good officer, no problems, great. It was all over in 10 min and said “ CONGRATES YOU ARE A PERMANENT RESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES” He stamped and signed my passport and said GOOD LUCK and even wished me a safe and a happy journey. (It took me 60 sec to realize what had just happened I just could not believe it) It was just great. I shaked his hands and we were out of the building in 10 min. I gave a big hug to the security man who helped me so much and he started laughing and so did the people in the Q. So friends after 3 years I am finally done with my AOS process. For all people who are still waiting for their BIG DAY. Don’t give up. Hang in there. God is great. IF YOU HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING WRONG AND ALWAYS FOLLOWED AND OBEYEDTHE LAW YOU HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR. (If any of you guys are going for your AOS interview in Philly I can tell you guys what questions he asked me and my wife. I just don’t want to take up all the space in this post he he he). If you guys have any questions I would be more then happy to answer. Over 2 years now I have got advice and suggestions from countless people on this board and others. I dont want to name all since I am sure I will miss some of you and that wont be fair. But you know who you guys are. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART AND I WILL PRAY FOR YOU GUYS. TAKE CARE.


Ps: Now my question for the gurus 1) since I am green-card holder as of today what Q do I stand in when I come back to the US in Oct? USC? VISITORS?
2) The interview officer did not take my I-94/EAD/AP? Is this normal or did he just forget?
3) My stamp says it expires on Aug 6th 2006. What is the general time it takes to get the physical card in Philly?
4) The officer has written “CWP” with red pen and circled it on my expired US visa does anyone know what this means?
Thanks for all your help friends. Good luck and God Bless.
:) :D :cool: :p :) ;) :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
Awesome. Congratulations! nice to hear good news like this trickle in every now and then. Pls see replies below.

Raju in Philly said:
Ps: Now my question for the gurus 1) since I am green-card holder as of today what Q do I stand in when I come back to the US in Oct? USC? VISITORS?
Usually airports have a same line for citizens and permanent resident, all non-immigrants and visitors take other line. You would see big signs before you get into the immigration and customs section telling you which line to enter. If you are in doubt, there is usually an officer who manages the passenger crowd into appropriate lines. He/she would definitely help you.

2) The interview officer did not take my I-94/EAD/AP? Is this normal or did he just forget?
You dont need them anymore. They are invalid :)

3) My stamp says it expires on Aug 6th 2006. What is the general time it takes to get the physical card in Philly?
No idea for philly, but general rule is 2-3 weeks.

4) The officer has written “CWP” with red pen and circled it on my expired US visa does anyone know what this means?
CWP means Cancelled without Prejudice. You can no longer use that visa.

Thanks for all your help friends. Good luck and God Bless.

Have a safe flight and enjoy your vacation :)

Glad to hear about it.
You should be getting your physical green card within3-4 days next week.
I got mine in within 3 days of approval.
Good luck!
Thanks a million

Hi ari4u,
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer all my questions I really appreciate it. Thank you so much. It would be so cool to go in the USC/Permanent Resident line (he he he) FINALLY. Also I cannot believe I spent $340 for nothing (Advance parole and a Brand new EAD card) oh well what can we do right? Anyway thanks so much for your help.

Hi flman95,
Thank you so much for wishing me. I really appreciate it. Wow you got your card in 3 days?? Wow cool. oh well it took me 3 years just to get a stamp on my passport god knows when the card will arrive. Anyway thanks for your reply. I really appreciate it.

:cool: :p ;) :D :) ;) :cool: :rolleyes: :D