Mumbai interview


Registered Users (C)
My case has been send to Bombay consulate on 18th september 2003 . when can i expect my interview date ? does Bombay comsulate reply to the e-mails we send them asking about our interview date? I have wrote many mails asking them different question but they havn't replied me once . Now i am confused how to get my interview date as fast as possible because I have to book a flight too . I don't have any close relative living in Bombay ....
thanks ..
I think you should expect a november interview....

More than email people are having more luck thru phone calls...try 011-91-22-23637407/ 7408 between 9am-4pm M-F indian time which translates to 11:30pm - 6:30am EST
Also I'd recommend not buying tickets unless your interview is confirmed and published on mumbai web site else you may have to pay extra to get your air tickets rescheduled if you do not get interview date as expected.
Hi soumi

Hi Soumi,

Bombay2003 has started a thread for likely November 2003 interviews at Mumbai Consulate.

Would you please post your questions, clarifications and experience in that thread?

I might get Nov. 2003 interview at Mumbai as well.