MSNBC article on detention of illegal aliens


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I was disturbed when I read this article on MSNBC. Apparently the ICE has started running Guantanamo-type facilities within the United States, where persons who have been arrested for immigration violations are held for months or years in sub-human conditions without due process.

I am all for enforcement of immigration laws, but we need to treat people with dignity and respect.
Its true
although ICE doesnt run them most facilities are run by private corporations such as GEO Group who make millions of dollars per year running those hell holes
I was in one for 8 weeks before being deported to australia,leaving my wife and children behind
A uscis adjudicator falsely claimed my wife withdrew support for our application
as i had entered on vwpp, we had no right to appeal the decision and no right to appear before a judge
I know that GEO made $78 per day for my scalp, and I was one of 300 plus in that facility
nice work if you can get it eh?