Moving Forward


Registered Users (C)
I have been a silent member of this community for the last few weeks and would like to list some actionable items that may benefit and reap most of the scenario.

All of the current supporters should contact their congressmen and senators to solicit their support. Even if your elected rep is anti-immigration, he will realize that this is a legal immigration and may balance out his position by supporting legal immigration. This is an election year and everything is possible. Maybe this website can provide a sample letter so all of us can have a similar message when we write to them.

Secondly we should try to get our story on news. NPR,a/nbc,cbs MSNBC, FOX and CNN seem to have the most coverage. Let's form a team to prepare the story briefs and send it out to most prominent journalists and request some coverage.

Thirdly we may have to spend some $s and put ads in foreign news papers like India Abroad and make our message to invite more people into the class action group. Believe me, there are hundreds of folks who will be excited to join us if they get this info.

Lastly, There should be some voluntary donations accepted for supporting some of the initiatives above.

Great Job Rajiv and Team. You are the best!!!