Moving during application process?? Information appreciated!


Registered Users (C)
Hi there,

I have an interesting situation that I'd appreciate some insight on. I am currently residing in New York, and my DO is Garden City which has a processing time of approximately 5 and a half months. I submitted my application on Oct. 13, had my fingerprints done on Nov. 3, and now am waiting to get my IL, which should come sometime in mid- to end-Jan. I will be leaving my job and New York onec my application is complete, and I will be moving to my parents' house in Northern Virginia. I am only staying in New York for the completion of my application. My parents' address is the mailing address for my application, and it is also the address that USCIS had on file for me for 4 of the 5 years of my continuous residence.

Now, I have some flexibility as to when I leave New York--as I said, I'm only staying because of my application. I could move back next week if I wanted to. So now I'm wondering if my application would move more quickly if I did move there sooner and change my address on file back to the Virginia address. The only reason I am considering this is because the Fairfax Do which would be where my application got moved to has a processing time of approximately 2.5-3 months, MUCH faster than Garden City DO. But I am also concerned that changing my address and transferring DO's at this stage would cause a huge delay in my application, as a result of the switch. Does anyone else have experience with changing address to a different DO?

Any information would be much appreciated. Thanks!
You have to live 3 months in a DO jurisdiction and I don't think that 3 month is for oath but for your application. If you change the location, you have to wait 3 month for USCIS to take fruther action on your case. It is not like that you can tell USCIS "Why don't you just process my case and only withhold my oath until I live in thi snew plce for 3 moth"
Oh that's right... I totally forgot about that requirement. Ok, well thanks so much for reminding me! I guess I just have to wait it out.