Moving - Change of Address Q's?


Registered Users (C)
Hellow all.

My case is approved by INS-Nebraska on May -05. (Primary)
My wife case is transfered to INS-Detroit on May-07.
I haven't recv a call for interview from them yet :(

I have to move to OHIO, (job-transfer). What r my options for address change? I do want to give my new OHIO address, coz they may transfer the case to Local INS office in OHIO and her case will be delayed further.

Q1. I contacted the local post-office and they said they can HOLD the mail for 1-month. {I'm not sure if I'm going to recv the letter by then.}

Q2. Do they forward Local INS Letters?.. {Does the envelope from Local INS say do not Forward}

Q3. She is presently in INDIA and expected by end of month.
she will be using her AP to enter US? IS this holding/delaying her case?

Q3. Any brain waves how I can handle this address change?

Thanks in advance for all your inputs

best wishes
Because your wife's case is now transferred, looks like your wife's case can be approved anytime. Better to be back to US soon, I don't think they can hold/delay because of this.
Regarding address change, I would not give the address change to INS at this moment. I once called an IIO and asked about address change. She told that I don't need to change the address with INS if I am taking care of the mails to the address that INS has.
hope this helps a bit