Moving? - 1 more item for 'Things to do'.


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Don't forget to Change your Address!! A poor guy is under federal deportation orders in Atlanta for failing to submit the change of address form. Here's the article (introduction) ...

"Author: MARK BIXLER, STAFF Date: 07-10-2002 Publication: The Atlanta Journal and Constitution Page Number: A.12 Word Count: 781 Size: 5K Relevancy: 100

The federal government wants to deport a legal immigrant from the West Bank because he failed to promptly report a change of address, an unusual effort that highlights the enforcement of minor laws to fight suspicions of terrorism. The INS ... "

Courtesy: Atlanta Journal-Constitution
I have informed my address change through my attorney and I mailed another letter my self also. It's not possible for me to call INS with such long wait. Is there any other way to get the address change confirmation? Thanks.
May be others can throw some ideas here, but what about faxing the address change form?
Did this poor guy do anything else wrong?

My point is that "Was the address change the only reason for the deportation?" I am afraid that this poor guy might have done something else wrong.

he was driving 4 miles/hour above speed limit and has a map in the car that highlighted some flea markets that he sells stuff in it.

Read the article. He went to jail for 4 months and is being deported

the moral of the story is:
never change address without telling them, and never exceed the speed limit by 4 mph.