Move to PERM or Stick to EB2 RIR..Please Advice


New Member

My LC is from NY (EB2 RIR) with a PD of OCT'04.I work as a
Programmer/Analyst.I have a MS degree with 2 years exp.After reading
a lot of articles /forums related to PERM,
I feel that if i move to PERM,i will fall under EB3 by default unless
i prove "bussiness necessity" and take risk of possibility of an Audit
to apply under EB2.

I also feel that time_taken(EB3 in PERM) = time_taken(RIR EB2 in BPC)
for the whole GC process.

Any one who applied LC from NY and waiting from a long time, any idea has
to how much time it may take apppx. for my LC to clear from BPC...
2 years from now ? Also i feel by the time my LC is cleared EB2 PDs will
retrogate like current Eb3.

Please give your openion after reading about my current situation.

stick with EB2 until PERM is confirmed to be good.

You PERM application is going to take much longer than several months if you do the conversion. Might as well wait and see.