motion to terminate removal proceedings taking too long


Registered Users (C)
I had my I-130 approved in july 2012 and my lawyer filed motion to terminate removal proceedings shortly after. I've been waiting since and recently finally decided to call my lawyer up and see where's the holdup. my lawyer said that now we need to file some additional bona fide proof to show the continuity of the relationship and such. I asked weather the judge asked for it and why they he didn't call me earlier about this but I was given some runaround answer which made me question his integrity and honesty. I will try to get clearer answer next time I talk to him but for now I'm just wondering if I could get some opinions from you guys. How long does it normally take to get removal proceedings dismissed? Is there really some new requirement for more proof that I'm unaware of? How can I check if my lawyer even filed the motion to terminate and it's current status?