Mother's visa rejected at Chennai Consulate


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Hello All,

My mother had applied for B-2 visa. She had an appointment with the consulate today(Dec 20th 2004), and her visa application was rejected.
After waiting for more than 3 hours, they finally took her interview in Hindi asking her couple of questions like:
1.Where does your son work? Does he have GC?
2. Do you plan on working there?
3. How many children do you have and where do they live?
4. Do you have grand children?

I have a Green card and I don't have any children yet. I have one sister who lives in Gujrat and has three kids, whereas my mom lives in hyderabad. They did not check any documents. But on the basis of answers for the questions they asked, they rejected the visa. My mother is a retired govt. teacher, about 65 years old. We had asked her to carry her pension papers, bank passbook and also the Fixed Deposits which are on her name. We have a own house, but since it is a joint property of all cousins, we still dont have any docs to show the property documents, except that she pays electricity bill and telephone bill every year.
Her interview was suppose to be in Hindi and at 11am, but she finally came out of the Consulate at 3pm, as she had to wait for the interpreter.
Any comments on why her visa was rejected? She had visited me about 3 years back, for about 4 months and then she left(she had 6 months visa then). She left much before her I-94 expiration. Still her visa got rejected. We mentioned the reason of visit as, " visiting son and want to attend the graduation ceremony of daughter in law". Is this not a good enough reason?

Can someone also please tell me the procedure of reapplying? And what are the chances of getting the visa?

Thanks for the help,
I m sorry to heat that. I think God only knows the reason. Now a days it is purely like a lottery.
Non one can predict the idiosyncrasies of the consular folks. Did you send a completed I-134 (affidavit of support) for her. The following documents have been known to help

1) Completed and notarised I-134 stating that you would undertake all expenses - lodging, boarding, medical, transportation etc., your original bank statements showing availability of funds so that they won't be considered probable public charge

If you are sponsoring everything there is less of an onus to show funds in India. However, ties (property, residence, job, family etc.) to home country always are needed to be shown.

2) Letter addressed to folks in India inviting them here. Usually things like religious functions, tourism (make up events for both if you wish but be specific on the locations, durations etc.), visiting relatives, graduation ceremonies etc. help.

3) Letter addressed the US consulate explaining the upcoming visit of your folks from the home country and reasons for it, requesting them to grant a visa for a specific period and that you would undertaking all expenses.

It should help a lot that
1) your mother has already been to the US before and gone back (proves on-intent to stay here and intent to go back)
2) and that she went back in 4 months itself even though the I-94 was for 6 months (proves above and also non-intent to overstay)

I feel she should definitely try again with all the documents. SIncerely, all the best!
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Awaiting_PR said:
Non one can predict the idiosyncrasies of the consular folks. Did you send a completed I-134 (affidavit of support) for her. The following documents have been known to help
Yes, I did the completed I-134 form for her. They never bothered to look at any of my documents.

1) Completed and notarised I-134 stating that you would undertake all expenses - lodging, boarding, medical, transportation etc., your original bank statements showing availability of funds so that they won't be considered probable public charge
//Yes, I did

If you are sponsoring everything there is less of an onus to show funds in India. However, ties (property, residence, job, family etc.) to home country always are needed to be shown.
//Did even that. My mother holds Cd's in her name, and also bank accounts. Also she gets pension, as she was a teacher in Govt.School

2) Letter addressed to folks in India inviting them here. Usually things like religious functions, tourism (make up events for both if you wish but be specific on the locations, durations etc.), visiting relatives, graduation ceremonies etc. help.
// My wife is graduation ceremony(commencement) is in the month of April, that is the reason which we we cited for her visit.

3) Letter addressed the US consulate explaining the upcoming visit of your folks from the home country and reasons for it, requesting them to grant a visa for a specific period and that you would undertaking all expenses.

It should help a lot that
1) your mother has already been to the US before and gone back (proves on-intent to stay here and intent to go back)
2) and that she went back in 4 months itself even though the I-94 was for 6 months (proves above and also non-intent to overstay)

//Yes, even we had hoped that. The only thing that changed is, when she visited us for the first time, I was on H1 visa about three years back, but now I am on GC
I feel she should definitely try again with all the documents. SIncerely, all the best!
Yea, I am trying for one more time. I got the appointment in March. Thanks for your wishes. I really hope and pray that she gets it this time. As it is, it is a big pain travelling all that far.
My best wishes to you all. Thanks for the detailed mail.

I134 ?

Look at the uscs website. Its required only for the IMMIGRANT visa. You cant be broke with no bank account, no property , no ties to India and expect to get a visa based on I 134 for one's muti millionare son in US.
Check the facts again.