More info about SB1 visa


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Hello hello,

For those who apply for a SB1 visa as a result of losing their green card status, what exactly is the difference between the SB1 and GC? I would think a lot but I'm just not sure what they are. I tried looking on the internet for info but couldn't find anything really informative. I guess the one question I would like to find an answer for is: Does an SB1 visa allow you to stay indefinately in the States? I am thinking not.

Also, I was reading that SB1 visas are not easy to get because you have to show that it was beyond your control to have to leave the States which then caused you to lose your green card status. Does not being aware of having a green card (because you received it when you were a teenager) count as good reason? I would love to hope that my case does warrant some sort of sympathy but at the same time, I have to be real too. Oh boy...

Thank you!!!
Hey Joe F,

Thanks for the note. So let me explain what I understand of the SB1. SB1 is basically a way (an extra step) to renew your GC? If so, then why bother with the SB1? Oh wait, maybe it's because the SB1 will buy you time because getting a new GC could take forever (and probably will).