MOM IN LAW got rejected 3 times


New Member
My mom in law got her visitor visa rejejcted in chennai for 3 times :mad: .They didn't question for any documents.They simply reject saying "you can go in summer " or "apply next time".What would be the next best approach for me next time.My Husband is GC holder if that helps.PL throw some light in to this.

My MIL's visa got rejected twice last year. We are trying again for her this summer. My husband and I have GCs. My MIL visited us back in 2001 when we were on H1B visas and she got a 6 month single entry visa at that time. She returned back to India in 4 months in 2001 (i.e. well before the visa expiry date). My FIL is no more and all of my MIL's children are married and settled in India. She has her own home which yields rent and she doesn't get any pension. She went to Chennai consulate - Telugu translator. We can't think of any reason why her visa was rejected last year. The only thing that was different from 2001 vs last year was that we have Green cards now. Other than this, nothing changed in my MIL's life/status or ours.

Can you please share some info from your end. Did your MIL try continuously each time or did she wait for an year or so before trying each time? Does she have any unmarried children? Has she ever been to USA before? What kind of ties does your MIL have in India (other children, FIL, property etc)?

PS: We are trying for the third time in June-2006 (previous trials were in Jan-05 and Feb-05). We are not planning on any senator letters or anything. We are just trying in the usual way.

We r also in the same status like yours other than my MIL never visited us.She has 3 children livivng back in india and good property.They nevevr put any queries.
For second time we gave 3 months gap and third time was applied after 4 months from the second.I guess gao doesn't matter as they have evevrything noted in there database.If the visa got rejejcted they note the reason of rejection and if you apply second time they concentrate on the same thing.
All the best!