Mistake visa tn. Help!


New Member

I'm new in this forum.

I'm try to get a TN visa ( I'm Mexican) But by mistake,on the ds-156
for current address I wrote the address wehere I WIll be stay in USA.

Doy you think is a big mistake or may be they even did'n give me the

For sure I have my home in Mexico.

I worried because I sent the pakage to the Us Consulate a month ago
and I did'n recibe any response.

You know if is posible I can send a fax o something explained the mistake??

Thanks in advance
you can try to send a fax to the US consulate explaining your mistake and see if they reply. Have you tried to telephone them?

It might be best to send a new TN application to the consulate with all the supporting documents and money.
not big of a deal

hi, I just got my TN, and from what I know, is that you can re-send your 156-157 application by e-mail, i know that you have sended your package, I supposed you are doing it trough the consulate in Tijuana, so you need to have a 156-157 at hand in your interview with the consular officer, so i think that e-filing and sending a explanaition letter is good enough to get your interview appointment, what by the way I took me 5 months of waiting.
good luck and get your best outfit and be there sharp on time.