Missing application for Advance parole


Registered Users (C)
I applied for advance parole for my son ( a minor) and myself in the same envelope but each with its supporting documents. This was received on March 7th. My son's was returned because we (parents) only signed under preparers signature and left out applicant's signature. We appended our signature as parents of the minor and mailed. This package was received on March 17th. A receipt notice was sent out on March 17th. I still hadn't even received any response on mine still although it went in the same initial package. I called my bank and only one check had been cleared. I called immigration and they said they also mailed mine to append a signature (I know I signed and so they may be referring to my son's). Up till now I have not received anything. I was adviced to complete another application and send it in and mention a number given to me regarding my application. It seems my initial application is lost. Do I have grounds to ask immigration to expediate my application if I still haven't received my AP in good enough time for an impending travel since I believe my application was lost in their offices.

Thank you
The uncleared check & no receipt are indeed a pretty good indication that they lost your application. This happened to me once in my LC/i140 process (the CIS lost an important original document issued by the DOL!), but in your case, it's just an AP application, and so the problem should be relatively easy to fix.