misdemeanor charge and impact on VISA and Green Card


Registered Users (C)

Last year i did a stupid thing and charged for misdemeanor crime in Arizona. It was related to Public sexual exposure and got 1 year of unsupervised probabtion and conselling with no fine. After compeleting my conselling and wating for few months before compeleting the probabtion we were able to make my conviction set-aside and dismissed. It is similar to expungement but in arizona it is called set-aside and case would be dismissed though it would show in ur bacjground check (as set-aside and dimissed).

MY biggest worry is how is it going to impact my job and Green gard. I haven't applied for Green yet but want to apply as soon as possible. Currently i am working on a pretty good job and they want to make me permanent but during that process they would go for background check. I am unable to sleep most of the time abd bit worried. I have two questions below.

1. Could companies reject my employement after background check?. and how will it impact my job opportunites?.

2. If I apply for Green Card, would it be denied?. If yes what are my chances to get the green card?. WOuld waiver application help in this regard?.

Thanx and any help/response in this case will be greatly appreciated.
