Minneapolis Stamping Experience


Registered Users (C)
Yesterday, I had my passport stamped @ Minneapolis office at about 11:30 AM. I went and stood in the line @ about 7 AM. The line was not that big acutally as compared to the past but CIS probably has laid off some people (just kidding) as the number of Immigration officers were far less. There was no cashier on duty so two officers were actually assisting in that. Two or three windows were open at a time, and it was rather frustrating to see that CIS officers patienty helped people who came without photographs or filled out forms. Now, someone has to help them but should it be done at the expense of people who are fully prepared with their forms.

This time around I hadn't come to get an EAD or an AP so it was all the more just an administrative task that I was waiting for. And waiting in the line upstairs and then waiting downstairs seemed tedious.

In any event, I left the building at 9 AM to go to the SA gas station and got breakfast. When I got back at 9:40 AM, only 4 more people had been helped.

In the pass, there were different ticket numbers based on the type of case one had but that has changed so that everyone is treated equally.

In any event, when my turn came, the I.O. asked for the approval letter, the photographs and the passpost. The IO took about 2-3 minutes in that process and I was on my way to work. A long journey has ended.

PS: I was told that the physical card will take 1.5 years.