mine approved (yeah) ... waiting for my wife's approval


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My EB case was transfered to the local office. They sent me an interview notice ... I decided to take my wife with me (we both applied together, had our FP together etc etc) ...

The case officer did not have my wife's papers so she approved me on the spot (Passport Stamped etc) but told us that my wife will be called again when her papers get in to the office.

So i am happy (since I am the primary applicant) that I got approved but we still have to wait for my wife (one wait after another). :) :)
Hi Waitingtoolong!

Can you provide more info about your case? Where was your interview and what did they ask duirng the interview etc?

My case just transferred to local office (Dallax,TX, and I live in Dallas, TX).

Thanks to you in advance for the info.
case info

The case was EB3. At the interview ... the officer told me right away that I was going to get approved ... just had a question about my current address.

Then the officer asked the regular questions like "Have you ever been arrested?" etc etc. Then the officer stamped my passport ... started the work for transferring my wife's paperwork to the local office ...

That was it .... Oh the officer did ask for an employment verification letter which stated that I was permanently employed at X dollars / year and that my office address is BLAH BLAH etc. The officer also asked for last two pay stubs but handed me back the stuff without making any copies.

The officer already had my tax returns on file ... but did ask for my Driver's license.

Dont worry ... if its an Employment based case, the interview is just to clarify one or two discrepancies.

The office was Dallas ...

good luck