Milk does not update list ,every time he sends old list


Registered Users (C)
dear milk,
so many people requested u to update list ,but I think u worried about your case,please update the list so that we will have correct number for july filer.Or If u don\'t want to do that Please let me know I will do that
etll me how to change the list.
I am not angry ,I am frustred ,because I requested 10 times
so dear please do that,we are on same boat.
I am from EB2/INDIA/MA
AP waiting
AVM message,(Finger printing has been received on 19th Dec 01 ,and pending review)Same for my wife
rest is fine

You have to check the latest message in the thread to see the updated list. I added you the very first time you provided your info. It looks like you are just looking the begining of the thread and not checking the latest postings of mine in the same thread...thats funny man....welcome to E-world.... You have to learn little bit, I know you are a new bee...but before posting anything...think twice...otherwise, people will make fun of your ignorance......