Middle company not paying to Employer


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I worked on a project for 8 days and then told by the middle company that end-client has terminated the contract. My time sheets were approved by the end client. My employer sent the invoice to the middle compamy which was rejected . The reason, I have not performed adequately.

As part of my employer contract with middle company. The middle company has exclusive right to bill.

What are my employer / mine options to get the payment from the middle company ?



p.s. My apologies for posting in this forum. The reason for posting in this forum is most of experienced users are in this forum.

Normally, Indian companies won't pay that money. Coz first 2 weeks are they will test ur performance. If it is more than 2 week then they will pay you from 1 st day.
But they will get it that money from the client.
Lot of Indian companies are doing like this.
you know some emplyers also not paying . Mainly our Indian consultants are cheat their employess.

1) Allied Informatics Inc. Nor Cross, GA Near Atlana ,
Pls Do not join this company , this stupid guys are doing cast basis also.
2) MTSI Inc , Near Los Angles, CA

If you ask them for 8 days then the first answer is ur performance is not good. they will say like you don't have good subject and u r not able to do that task. Take it easy.......

I think we have to start for one thread for bad consultants companies.
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if you do not have a contract mentioning one week gurrantee of performance. I do not think its your problem. your employer needs to get that money and you get paid
You can take them to small claims court

The amount of money they owe you is not high, so you can solve this in small claims court.
You worked 8 days and you must be paid for that, no matter what.
Even if they have this crap in contract, it is illegal.
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Well, employer is my close friend and I found out this contract my self. I work on hourly basis and happy with my employer.

The contract says mid company has exclusive right to bill the end client. There is no mention thst my company will not be paid due to non-performance.

Since the amount involved is not big . We are looking for cost effective solution.

The middle company is big company in MA. The end client is big insurance company in MA. We are thinking of three solutions.

i ) Complaint with department of Labor in MA. Can I complain or my employer has to complain ?

ii) File in small claims court.

iii ) Look for attorney who will sue both the comapnies and take his fee after we win the case


Why do you want to sue them for 8 days pay? Is it worth the time and money involved unless you want to blow away.

If you complain to department of labor, your employer will be in trouble as he is supposed to pay you the salary irrespective if he received money from the client or not.

If I were you, I will forget 8 day pay and start looking out for new assignment.

Good luck.
try by phone call mentioning that your company or you may approach to labor court to middle company . See if that works or just forget. You should be alongwith your employer . This shud not creat any other issues to your employers documention. If yur employer is with you and you decide to go ahead then go togather with your employer ,not alone.
Small Court and even a labor court are viable options. But you have to weigh out cost/effort vs. possiblity of return and maybe loss of goodwill.
Best of Luck.
Small court is cost effective solution where you don't need attorney. Also case is settled much earlier in smaller courts. I think the maximum claim limit in Small court is $5000 . Also I think your employer has to sue other company and not you.

Even if you work for 2 hours and have timesheet signed from client , you or your employer have rights to get the money from middle company. I would recommend you to consult some good lawyer.