Message From Ciba: Please leave Vishnu Mahadev alone


Registered Users (C)
I consider him to be a great guy.
He makes over $100K and has bought
in more than 3 projects on budget and
with few bugs.

I consider him to be my heir apparent.

Long live Vishnu Mahadev
I knew that there will be further antics from Vishnu

Another version of Vishnu in the form of "ciba#" has emerged. Remember ciba was "CIBA" and not "CIBA#". What can you expect from a joker like Vishnu? Give up these pathetic attempts to gain cheap popularity on this board.

Ciba had announced that he/she will be off from this board for a while to focus energy on the new job. It is totally unimaginable that CIBA will surface all of a sudden and log in as "CIBA#" to appoint Vishnu heir to his/her legacy.
vishnu is such a pathetic creature. a leopard does not lose its spots...

yet another, this time moronic, attempt to corner attention. Now he is not even making an attempt at masking his cheap tricks. why are you so insecure vishnu? Do you not have friends and family that you seek attention on an anonymous board? Atleast now cut all this crap out and do something good for this board. if you cannot do good just stay away from posting.
is this really ciba

I dont think so - another of vishnu\'s antics (as I said - bunch of spooks) - The stupidity of vishnu to think we are so gullible
stupid vishnu has been caught with his hands in the cookie jar

one too many times. Now that his dishonesty is out for the whole board to see, he lets his dogs (multiple aliases) loose on the board. The latest dirty stunt was to misuse the good name of ciba to mislead people that were not paying attention. Dude, when you are a convicted felon, the police always have an eye on you. We are the police on this board and you are on notice. It is never too late to turn over a new leaf. Try that for a change. You just may like the new you and find that, surprise(!), people may even start to like you.