Medical Vaccinations


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For the purpose of medical, do vaccinations taken in India qualify or do they have to be taken in the US itself? In other words, would a doctor's certificate from India suffice or is it necessary to take the same vaccinations in the US as well?

Thanks in advance.
vaccinations taken in India will suffice

Based on my discussion with the doctor, vaccinations taken in India will qualify/suffice if you have a document of record as proof. (usually as you said doctor's certificate from India) Also, if you had the disease itself in your childhood as per your memory (yes no proof is needed) and can tell the doctor when you had it ( at what age) that will suffice the need for that vaccine and you will not need to take it. This was told to me by 2 doctors (will tell you that story of needing to go to 2 doctors some other time) but may vary a little by doctor.
Hope this helps,
Good luck!
Just my take on this ..

If you have taken the Vaccines earlier but (dont remember or dont have proof) ..the doctor can still verify that. what they do is take your blood sample and check if those Antibodies exist or not. If they do then you have taken the vaccines if not then the doctor might suggest you to take them again.


PS: In my case a blood test was conducted .