medical suggestions/Help


New Member
Hello All,
My sposuse has recently detected with Hypo thyroid , Doctor has recommended with 50 MCG of synthorid , also a bit diabetic, no medication is required ( 160 uml or something in diabetic test) but must excersie and follow the diet,

As the thyroid (TSH is 7 now) can be brought under control by medication , and there is no medication taken for diabetic do you think will be any chance of passing the medicals ?

I know it is not right, but I really want to migrate to Canada and it is always a dream ,
so if we lie saying that we don't have any medical problems is that going to be a concern,
I am +ve that as the medications are taken thyroid will not be shown in the blood, and due to excerise and diet diabetic result may not show up in the medical result,

Please advice
To meetmii25

I am not sure of the exact medical conditions that you are mentioning. But I dont think that anybody would suggest you to lie about the medical results.
Did your wife already do medicals and noticing these problems or are these tests that you are doing before your canadian immigration medicals?

Even if there are minor findings, I think that Canadian officials pass your medicals. I think the basic criteria is whether there are any communicable diseases and whether there are any conditions that would prevent the person from working and pose excessive resource constraints on the public health benefits.
sapota1, thanks for the reply,

We did not attend the medicals, these just showed up during the routine check up,

Other issue is , 1) thyroid 2) diabetes these are not communicable
Both are harmone related,
thryoid is preventable by medicine , infact the cost of medical bill for that is $12.5 dollars per months , not a big deal
Diabetes yes it is a concern to me as it has potential of causing excessive resources on public health , if the diabetes is not controlled,

As per what I read from other forums the responses are +ve , that we may make it ,

After all these dreams just wondering what is the correct way,
Honesty is the best policy.

If you are honest you will not live in fear of having lied on your immigration application for the rest of your life. If CIC at a later date determines you have lied they may revoke your residency and potentially even your Canadian citizenship.
I would advice you always state the true facts.
I donot think Diabetes and thyroid are --problem oriented disease from worhty of rejecting Immigration .They must be looking at VD,HIV,Active TUBERClOSIS etc and the like for not allowing to immigrate
vadak is exactly correct.
thyroid is not a spreading disease.
so you should be ok.
even if you have active TB they will approve your PR,but you have to go for medical survelliance when you reach Canada and living there permanently.
blood tests

hi, I would like to know what particularly in the blood tests are included? I know they check for syphyllis (did I spell it right?). We are scheduled for our medicals next week. What if my spouse flunks the exam, would that mean that our application will be denied even if I am the principal applicant? We passed the interview last week. Heeeeelp. I waited for this for 4 years and i don't want anything to go wrong. :confused:
On a somewhat related note.... Could somebody please spell out what exactly is included into medical?

Is it simply a blood test + "turn your head and caugh" type of exam?

We are planning on getting pregnant around the time of the medical. Could the medical somehow detect it (early stages) or negatively impact it, like X-rays?