Medical RFI


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BCIS has issued RFI to my wife for complete medical report on form I-693. Complete medical was not done first time due to early stage of pregnancy. My questions are
1. Does she need to do again all those checkup which was already completed first time.
2. Can anyone suggest good bcis doctor in Richmond, VA area.
If your previous tests were older than 6 months, probably you may need all tests like HIV, TB, etc (Of course, not vacancies if she had already)
good luck !!
please be careful with the advice..
all she needs to get done is the stuff which was missed in the pregnancy. OI know this because my sister had the same RFE...

Is some thing wrong in my advice?
We got same RFE !!!
Doctor wants to do everthing for us again, because, they were older than 6 months. What else we have beside vaccines ?
My wife's RFE says "Your TB test result is missing. You need to visit your doctor to complete it" .

My lawyer says it depends on the doctor to do TB test alone or all tests if I chose to go to a different doctor now.
the reason I said it beacuse as per INS ruling, the medical results dont expire in 1 yr or 18 months now.

If the RFE is for TB, she will have to go for the skin test, if the skin test comes positive, then for the Chest Xray..

No blood test needs to be done for HIV etc..

If you go to a different doctor, then they may try to make money on you and do all the tests....
