Medical Experiences


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Since the priority date has been made current. My and my wife are planning to go for a medical test. I would like to know certain facts about it.

We searched for female civil surgeons in our area for my wife's medical. But apparently there is no one available in the area (Indianapolis). So she is worried about taking medical. I would like to know the following things.

- What are the tests other than XRays/TB and blood tests conducted during the medical test for a female.

- What are the test other than XRays/TB and blood tests conducted during the medical test for a male

- I heard that during the medical males will be asked to drop down their pants, to do tests on their private parts. Is this correct ? I havent done any tests as of now in my private area, So was wondering what the tests is about.

Pls share your experiences.

Immigration Medical

Peter, no one likes medicals, but do not sweat it.
A review of your health history, blood pressure check, pulse check. A check of your feet since health problems are visible in this area from certain countries.
For males, a check to see if all private parts are present, and for bumps in lower abdomen/groin that would indicate any hernias. This takes seconds and Doctors are professional and will respect your dignity.
For females, review of last PAP smear and breast exam issues possible.

Do not sweat the medical, it is not as bad as you forsee.

Important, take ALL immunization records with you !! These are very important. Also, TB skin test and blood draw for HIV and syphillis.

Take care.
I would call up the surgeons and ask exactly what they do. You can always say your wife is shy with male doctors and that's why you're asking.

For mine (I'm female), all they did was blood pressure/pulse, temperature, weight, listened to my heart/lungs with a stethoscope and felt the glands in my neck, if I remember. I filled in a questionnaire with past health history. The doctor asked me the questions required by the form (e.g. was I insane, that sort of thing). Then we went over my vaccination records that I had brought with me, and the doctor decided what I needed to have. The nurse then took blood for the HIV and syphillis test, did the TB skin test and gave me the vaccination I needed.

I did not have to take any clothes off. This may be unusual I guess, as the instructions for the medical exam say that you will have to take your clothes off. But it seems to depend on the doctor. Or maybe because all my other medical stuff was up to date (I go to my OB/gyn for a regular exam once a year any way) the USCIS doctor didn't worry about it.

Even if she has to see a male and has to have a gyn medical exam (and I don't see why she should for the USCIS as it's not a requirement of the form), the US rule is that there has to be a female chaperone in the room. Usually it is a nurse who will stay in there while the doctor does the examination. So hopefully that will set her mind at rest a little bit. I'm sure she could always ask for the nurse to stay throughout even if she doesn't have to take any clothes off, if she's nervous. But it's not as bad as you think it's going to be, really, even with a man. The doctors see everything all the time with different patients and aren't interested in us sexually or anything like that. They respect our dignity, and you'll always have a sheet or something to cover up with as well.
There is no problem getting the medical done from male doctors. They will do what they are supposed to do. They may not do the pap test etc. Mine is not done by the civil surgeon. Even though it is required usually the sample is taken by Nurse. I stay in ohio. If you do not mind driving 2 hours for lady doctor then there is a female doctoe in Dayton,oh. You can find her details on

The doctor we went to just listened to our lungs and heart probably, using his stethoscope and nothing else. Of course we had to present all the medical infos from our PCP like the immunization records, x-ray results etc.
Thanks for the reply, I will collect my wife's recent annual medical report (done 2 months ago) and go with that..

Any ways, Could you "guys" pls post your experience on the medical tests , i mean the tests done on a male. Do they ask us to drop the pants and check genitals ? and if they, what exactly they test.

appreciate your response.
Thanks for the reply, I will collect my wife's recent annual medical report (done 2 months ago) and go with that..

Any ways, Could you "guys" pls post your experience on the medical tests , i mean the tests done on a male. Do they ask us to drop the pants and check genitals ? and if they, what exactly they test.

appreciate your response.

I think it all depends upon the doctor. In my case all tests were really simple. Only blood pressure, stethoscope, taking blood sample, health questionnaire, some shots, etc. All minor stuff. Did not have to take any clothes off. My wife and my 2 years old son were there in the same room. Both mine and my wife's medical was done in 15 minutes flat. Everything was done by a nurse. I never saw the doctor himself.

However, if they do ask you drop your pants, they're looking for hernia (especially in testicles, which they'll have to fondle to make sure the shape is right). That's a bit invasive, but usually over in 5 seconds or so.
Our test was cool. My wife and I were out in 30 min. Just the regular height, weight, BP, and hear to heart beat and lungs.

He just asked both of us whether we had chicken pox and then gave both of us Tetanus/Diptheria (TD) and MMR vaccines. He took some blood for HIV and syphillis.

He also did the TB skin test and we had to go back after 48 hrs to get the results checked. The doc also gave us the copy of the report :)