Medical Exam - be cautious


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For those of you living in the Seattle area - avoid going to Dr. Ezzat Tashakkor (Bellevue, WA) - who is listed as the Civil Surgeon - and authorized by BCIS for immigration related medical examinations.

I had my med. exam from him in March 2001. He did not fill the INS medical forms accurately and hence BCIS sent the medical report back to me (in Feb 2004 - after two years!!) asking me to go back to the examining physician for further clarification. I did so last week and found out after going there that he has gone on an indefinite leave. People at his office don't knwo for how long. There is another doctor there in his place Dr. Chi Gam - who very promptly signed off on the revised medical form. BUT he is not a Civil Surgeon and hence not recognized by BCIS as the right authority to sign off on BCIS medical exams. The whole operation at the clinic seems very shady and unprofessional. The clinic did not even have copies or record of my earlier medical exam. Dunno if they lost them or what - they don't have an answer. Worse still - the new doctor is promptly charging new applicants and conducting the medical exams when he should be aware that his medical exams will be rejected by BCIS and cause undue time delays for the GC applicants.

I had to subsequently go to another Civil Surgeon in Bellevue, WA who did the 'entire' physical exam all over again to be on the safer side. He did not have the authority to ammend/rectify the original medical record conducted and signed off by Dr. Tashakkor, since he was not the one who had conducted the original exmainationand we also did not have any record or copies of that earlier examinations (thanks to Dr. Tashakkor!!)

I later found out through other doctors in the area - that Dr. Tashakkor is seeking retirement and getting ready to sell his clinic and practice for quite some time now and looking for prospective buyers. He comes every now and then to his office and you never know when you will be able to get hold of him next. This could possibly leave you in difficult circumsatnces later on should you or BCIS need any clarifications quickly.

The other doctor I went to was Dr. Tariq Ahmed in Bellevue - and he seemed very good and understanding.:mad:
It is advisable to go for mid aged doctors.
You will get their experience and also long time availability.
I don't think it matters if your doctor is a middle aged or not.

Just make sure you ask them to show you the their copy of the 1st page of the medical exam form. I know they can ONLY give you the copy of your lab results but you reserve the right to see how the doctor filled the form ;

I asked for it and the nurse kindly went over the form with me eventhough she's very firmed up on not giving the copy to me.
It is Very important to go to a mid-aged or young and healthy doctor - in order to make sure he do not DIE during this never ending FUCKG process!!!
I visited several INS approved clinic..

before deciding to get my exam at one of them. Can tell you that I would never go to any of them if I get sick myself. Most are crappy, and I can swear that clinics in my home country which is said to be third world is much better than any of those.

Wonder how USCIS selects their "approved civil surgeons.

the doc that i did the med tests from was almost half in the coffin. so am i screwed if i get a medical rfe or otherwise also????

i plan to add spouse to my application. can i get her medical done by a different physician????
Not all doctors' offices are bad

I guess I got lucky with the one I picked in Cincinnati, OH.

The nurse showed me all the forms before they sealed the envelope and gave me a copy of the entire package, for my records.
for Jsingh31...
Sahibganj and Ranchi... does it ring a bell to you ????if it does then J should be for Jaykant...