Medical doctor in Atlanta....avoid him


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I did my medicals in October with Dr. John Wolff in Atlanta.
My experience is very bad with him. His staff is very rude and till today he hasn't send my medicals to CIC... Charged 370$ for medicals...
What should I do ? I was not given any tracking no. despite my asking him for umpteen times.
Everytime I ask they say we are busy..will send it this week ??

Is there any place where we can complain about such doctors ?
I am really fed up in dealing with his staff. ...

I send all other docs to CIC in time, my interview was waived and I was expecting my landing in everything is screwed up because of him......

what to do?
Inform CIC

You should write and call CIC, buffalo since they were the ones who recommended him (in the brochure you got). You should not have to pay for his screw ups. Plus, include all the expenses and hardship you have suffered due to this. CIC should do a better job screening their doctors. Try this number for the Buffalo consulate: 716-858-9515.

It cost my family of 3 only $300 including courier expenses to do it from India. And the Dr. did a great job.
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