May'02 finally aa..pprrr....ooovvvv....ed....


Registered Users (C)

Finally received those long awaited emails yesterday for me and my wife. LUD changed once for me and once for my wife. My company spun off a new company and transferred me to this new entity and filed an AC-21 on my behalf. I am suspecting that this is what caused LUD to change in my case. As to my wife's the message recently changed to "we responded to your query..if 30 days have passed..blah blah" and that is when the LUD changed. But apart from these recent LUD updates, no change till yesterday, since we filed in May'02.

Now for the fun part:) All my mail from INS comes to my company's address in Atlanta though I live in northern Virginia. So can I get my passport stamped in VA or do I have to go down to Atlanta? Also, do they need some kind of address proof because I have no document which bears my name and company's address in Atlanta. All the documents like driving license, utility bills etc. have my home address. So can I use them if I go to Atlanta or will they question that I don't have the right address? I am concerned that if I get into the "address change" loop at this point, my cards may get misplaced or something. And after such a long time, I don't want to take such a risk.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.


ND-May 29, 2002
FP-Dec 30, 2004
AD-Jan 24, 2005
firstly, congratulations on your approval,

secondly, surely your passport is all you need for ID for stamping- and that has no address on it - you should be OK. Only issue wuold be if they ask to confirm your address as technically you are in violation if you have not informed them of change of address within 10 days.

Maybe some lucky people who have been stamped can offer more accurate advise???
Congratulations to u and family, u deserve it, very long and painful wait.

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