martial status changed


Registered Users (C)
Hi folks,
I started my immigration under skilled worker-Quebec -single and got my passport with the visa for landing in feb 04 which is valid until aug 04. My question is that I am recently married and I am wondering If I should proceed with my landing as single or should I officially inform the change in status. I intend to just land pick up my card and come back to the such I dont want to go thru the process of immigration for my wife. I wish to go to canada may be after 1-2 years depending on my work/immi situation in the US at that time. Can some one please help me identifying the pros/cons of my decision. Can I still get my wife immigrated If I want to..after 1 or 2 years or does it cause any problems..also, If I decide to inform the consulate about the status I have to go through the medical exams again or just my wife ? do I get to lose on any of the fees I paid so far..I would really appreciate a response on this as I am in a dilemma.
Thanks in advance
marital status changed

I am in the exact same situation, my immigrant visa is going to expire in Jan 2005, I have informed the Consulate about my change status, it is almost a month since I faxed them this information, haven't heard from them so far.

Can anybody know how long do they take to respond?
As there are less than 2 months left to get my wife's medical, police clearances, do CIC extend my immigrant visa?

Any help in this regard is greatly appreciated.

Your previous visa is invalid. Contact CIC again and they will send you papers for your wife 's medical etc and then you both can land later ..

Just do what CIC says