Marrying a L1 holder after GC


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What are the implications of some with a GC marrying a L1 visa holder. Will it make a difference, in obtaining GC status for the spouse, if they get married in the US or in India.

Hai Joef,
I have received ur advice many months before regarding my 1-140 petition. Now again I am seeking your help. Me & my spouse reached US 3 months before & thanks for all the help that you provided for me. Now my doubt is , if I have to file a 1-140 for somebody else and if I can get an employment contract also, can I apply directly? What is the role of an attorney in filing 1-140petition. The profession of the proposed person is that which do not need a labor certificate. So please explain how I can help him and how can I apply for him . Thanks in advance

The L1 holder can get a GC three ways :

You as GC holder can sponsor your spouse- this is the longest way

You spouse employer sponsor the Geen card : 1-3 years if the employer is willing to do this .

If you have the GC for more than 5 years then you shold become a US citzen and then apply for spouse GC. This will be fast.

It makes no difference where you marry.

If your spouse loses job she/he will not be able to stay legally in the US if on L1 status. That also appliies even if you have children who will be US citzens if born in the US.
