Management Consultant


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Ive had a few tough experiences with the whole 'management consultant' thing - I dont have a degree so its my only option. But some immigration officers want me to 'prove' Im working for a consulting firm?? THey say - you need to be working for a Deliotte Touche etc - is this correct?? My understanding is that I'm the management consultant providing my expertise to an organization (to better it)... Any thoughts or experience?? Thanks!!!
Is management consultant in the TN list?

My point is, your letter of offer from an employer should read specifically that they are hiring you as a "professional from the TN list". For example, the 2nd TN I got, they gave me a good scare. My own fault though. The letter offer from my employer stated they were hiring me as a "***** Designer"....specific to what I do. That was a mistake because that is not on the TN list. When I mentioned Industrial Designer he replied, "but that is not in your letter". Also, after I settled down and started addressing him as "Sir", things went much smoother, so show lot's of respect and don't interupt when they are speaking. So, now what I do is make sure the employer states on the letter of offer that they are hiring me as an Industrial Designer and that my duties will be ***** designing. With more detail of course. What I have done is I actually write a sample letter for the employer to follow and make sure they understand that wording is important when dealing with INS.
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Yes its on the TN list - but I think as everything seems to be subjective, some officers are confused. Thanks for your reply.
What are you providing to prove you have experience.

Anything that is noted below?

Management consultant
Baccalaureate or Licenciatura degree; or equivalent professional experience as established by statement or professional credential attesting to five years experience as a management consultant, or five years experience in a field of specialty related to the consulting agreement. Baccalaureate or Licenciatura degree.
I have 19 years experience in the field of specialty related to the consulting agreement (19 years in the industry).
Michele4 said:
I have 19 years experience in the field of specialty related to the consulting agreement (19 years in the industry).

But what is your proof to the officers of your experience. Do you have letters from previous employers? What are you presenting to the officers that prove your experience above and beyond your words.

"equivalent professional experience as established by statement"

I'm not certain what is meant by "established by statement"....I would think that means letters from previous employers stating your management consulting experience with them.
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Michele4 said:
I have 19 years experience in the field of specialty related to the consulting agreement (19 years in the industry).

Is your exeprience established by statement or professional credential ? If not, then the officer has no way to verify if your experience qualifies for the position.
My resume indicates my years in the industry and I also have letters from all of my previous employers...
Sorry one thing - so I will be working directly for the TN employer - and I will be assessing the US operation in all areas and providing suggestions to management for improvement. This position is new but is temporary and I will be an independent contractor. Does that sound ok??