Maiden name change


New Member

There are few questions which I want to ask :

1. I am Indian Citizen and currently in USA staying with my husband and got H4 Visa on the passport with my maiden name(my lastname before marriage) when I got married, as there was not much time for me to get my lastname changed in the passport after marriage in my passportin India as my husband leave was about to finish & he had to join office in USA.

2. I got my new passport with lastname changed to my Husband lastname in USA itself from Indian Embassay in New York. But my H4 visa is still in my old passport (my maiden name passport).

3. My H4 visa is valid till Augest 2006.I just want to confirm that do I have to to get my H4 VISA
transferred to my new passport.

4. OR I can still travel to India and re-enter US on my H4visa which is in the old passport( H4visa
is valid upto august 2006).

I would be thankful, if you would could mail me the clarification at the earliest.

Thank You,
