<Handle: gt5219c><EB1/OR, China ><MD 06/06/01 ><RD

silent_waiter, this idea is really dumb. please stop it.

You are opening duplicate threads. chik and sid522 and others
have posted their approvals already. Why not let each
person post their own approvals. Give people their
freedom to express their happiness at their approval
in their own way. Do not try to control the style of
people on the board. Look at the subject line on your thread.
It is ridiculously long. The title line needs to be used
to give an indication of what the post is about and not
to write a book. It makes sense to write a short title
like "June RD 18 approoooveed" and then give all the
details in the actual body of the post. Do not keep forcing
your opinions and requirements on everybody else. You have
posted this many times in the past. I already pointed this out.
If people want to take your suggestion they will. If they
do not choose to take your suggestion do not cry and yell
and scream like a spoilt child. I think you are only cluttering
up the board. Think about it. Learn to be more democratic.