Lost Naturalization Certificate + Name Change


Registered Users (C)
Hello folks,
Unfortunately it looks like I have lost my naturalization certificate. I don't ever recollect it coming back to me after I applied for my US passport. I called the US passport service and they claim it was sent (July 2013) but I don't believe I ever received it. I also changed my name legally after I received my naturalization certificate and sent the court order along of name change with my passport application. My passport has my new name on it - which is different than what is on the Naturalization certificate. I was wondering if anybody has any insights on the following:
a. In the form n-565, can I check both 2a and 2c at the same time?
2a. My certificate was lost - Yes :-(
2b. My name has changed (attach certificate) - which I obviously don't have
b. Is there something like an Infopass appointment that I can take so I can clarify this in person?
c. I have heard this process takes 6 months plus.. Is that really the case?

Thanks in advance.