Lost IAP 66

u have same problem that I used to have.I lost my old DS form and I asked my sponsor they said they dont save after 1 year.Finally they gave me my record of sevis.Only they can get this record and they need to sign it to accepted by department of state.Its just a paper your all information on it just like DS .
Where they should get this record? Do you have names of organization who keep it?

All employee in my sponsor organization are new and they do not work with international students anymore. So they do not know anything about how to get lost immigration forms. They are willing to help but do not know how.
there is a problem, I dont know what IAP 66 form. I checked on internet and they say it is same thing with DS 2019 form.My situation was I lost my DS form and SEVIS record has same information just DS has and they signed it,gave to me.You can not get ur SEVIS information.Your agency which is in the US can access to get it.They should have access or you can contact with that department. http://www.ice.gov/about/contact.htm