Long stay


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I want to bring my sister over for (From England) a long stay. (about 18months) She will not be working. What is the best way to do this?


What is your current immigration status in the US? 18 months is a long time, and her best option might be the F-1 visa (student visa).

I am currently a green card holder awaiting my test and swearing it for citizenship (been here 8 years) My wife has just become a citizen.

To be honest, I really can't think of a visa that she can qualify for if she isn't planning on working or going to school for 18 months in the US. Also, this is probably not an issue for British nationals, but I have been told that it is sometimes difficult for citizens of certain countries to obtain a non-immigrant visa to visit the US (especially for a long time) if the applicant has a sibling who is a US resident/citizen.

Hopefully, someone more knowlegable would be able to answer your question.
I apologize for being unclear. I was actually talking about a non-immigrant visa of any kind for any duration for applicants from certain countries. Not surprisingly, the longer the visit, the more unlikely it is that the application will be approved. Didn't mean to digress from the issue at hand.
OKm, thanks. Did not think that it would be such a big deal. I cannot go the Student route has she's 38!!! She is noyl coming over to escape a bad personal situation
