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London Interview - Birth Certificate/Other questions

cheers mate

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Hi guys,

So I have finally found out that my interview is scheduled for the beginning of November in London, and I just had my medical the other day and got all the necessary vaccinations etc...

I have just received the 2nd letter (after having done all of this) and it mentions that the Birth Certificate I need to bring with me has to be the LONG FORM version... I ordered a copy of my Birth Certificate direct from this government website:


Its the only option they had available, there wasn't a choice for LONG or SHORT version! Also as I am applying based on the fact that both my parents were born in another eligible DV country, so do I need to take their Birth Certificates? It doesn't say it anywhere on the letter but how would they verify I am telling the truth about my heritage otherwise?

And finally, I am actually traveling to the US for my best friend's wedding in the next few weeks (going to be best man)... I have asked before, but Im really starting to worry about traveling while undergoing this whole procedure... Most of the people on the forum said it should be fine as I have a UK passport and part of the VISA Waiver program, and when you look at it, I HAVE TO come back for my interview in a few weeks, so why would they give me a problem? What is the worst that could happen?

Thanks again in advance guys, you have all been really helpful so far.
Hi guys,

I have just received the 2nd letter (after having done all of this) and it mentions that the Birth Certificate I need to bring with me has to be the LONG FORM version... I ordered a copy of my Birth Certificate direct from this government website:


Its the only option they had available, there wasn't a choice for LONG or SHORT version! Also as I am applying based on the fact that both my parents were born in another eligible DV country, so do I need to take their Birth Certificates? It doesn't say it anywhere on the letter but how would they verify I am telling the truth about my heritage otherwise?

If you were born in the UK, you need to take the Long Form version to the interview and not the Short Form version because they want to see your parents' names on the birth certificate. The Short Form version doesn't include the parents' names.Therefore, try by all means to get the Long Form.

Also, because you are claiming eligibility through your parents nativity, I'll advise you take their birth certificates along as evidence.
Hi Macon

please can you share your experiences with me. I have been selected for the DV2009 and I applied using my parents country of origin. I am from the UK. I understand that you also used your parents country of orgin as a DV eligible country.
Hi Macon

please can you share your experiences with me. I have been selected for the DV2009 and I applied using my parents country of origin. I am from the UK. I understand that you also used your parents country of orgin as a DV eligible country.

Hi Sisu,
Were you born in the UK? I can see your parents are from S/leone. I was born in S/leone but became a UK citizen a few years back. I am therefore a dual national(British and S/Leone). I am eligible to play the DV lottery based on the fact that I was born in S/Leone (S/leone is an eligible country). My case is slightly different from yours.

Because you were born in the UK and UK is not an eligible country for DV Lottery, you can only qualify based on the fact that your parents were born in an eligible country (i.e. S/Leone). Do you have a S/ Leone passport? If you do, then present both at the interview(i.e. your British passport and S/Leone one). They will ask you to choose which passport you want your visa to be stamped. If you don't have S/Leone pp, then take your parents birth certificate as proof of your eligibility. You can view my interview experiences by clicking the link below:
Good Luck!