Local BOSTON INS ,ASC Finger Print Experience.

Hi, Please share your experience at Boston Local Application Support center. Where is it located , Office timings, tel no etc. If I don\'t have an appoint ment when should I reach there. Is it better to drive or go by train??
  Please shed some light.

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Its on 160 (Not sure ??) Portland street, Boston near north station. Easiest to get there by T (green line). You can get the correct addr. either from your FP notice or from ins web-site.

I am almost certain that they will not do Finger printing without a notice from INS. If you do have one, you can go there before your appointed day.

The folks there were very efficient and professional. The whole process takes about 30-45 min. They completed my FBI approval in 2 days!!.

Overall pretty good experience.

Do you know if I can go for my passport stamping in Boston after 12:00 Noon on Fridays? This is b\'cos this is the only time possible for me in the next two weeks. Please let me know. thanks.
Thanks PR1974. Actually I have a INS letter for FP. But the

place is Oakland, CA. Since I moved from there to Boston 3 mo ago. But by mistake instead of my local office INS has mentioned the place as CA. So I am planning to go to the local Boston ASC.
  Shoul I go and stand in line, early in the morning or any time should be fine??
  Any info is appreciated.
I don\'t think that will be necessary. Go anytime before 4:00

They are open on Sat. until 2:00 too.

People at Boston ASC are pretty helpful-they might be able to do your FP right here. They do not have a phone on-site number but you can call INS using the 1-800 number on your FP notice for more info.

Godd luck