Little scared, need your suggestion


Registered Users (C)
Hello Friends,
My I-485(RD:10/04/2001) was filed when I was in NY then I moved to NJ, got FP done ,updated my new address during FP.
Now I have moved to CA. If I update my address to CA address, will INS transfer my I-485 case to INS California center, Or it will continue in VSC only ??
Currently, I have sent the AR-11 with the address of my friend in NJ. Please advise me, what should I do now ??

Thanks in advance.

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I would say it depends on your risk tolerance level.

If your risk tolerance is zero, then you should FILE AR-11 with new address. (note this might not trigger your case transfer to CSC because I don't think there is any proper communication link between DC and VSC yet for address change). On the other hand, it has triggered transfers as noticed on this baord.

However, you might not want to inform VSC over phone ( why bug those assh* ) . Leave it to just AR-11 filing . That way you will play safe and your case might get approved by VSC itself.
Correct center

I don't know what this guy "Vivekm" is talking about...

The I-485 if filed based on the Head Office / Registered Office of your EMPLOYER - not you. So, unless you are taking your company HQ with you to CA, what the last guy said is gibberish.

To you Vivekm:

If you don't know something don't post garbage on this board. People don't expect you to be an expert on immigration, and you clearly are not one.
You are assuming INS to be perfect. There have been cases where INS transferred cases from one service center to another purely based on address change (even though company didn't change).

Does it happen in all cases? no. Should it happen? no.

Can it happen? Yes

No - you are wrong. And don't give me this "there have been cases" crap. INS may be slow and inefficient, but it does not break its own rules. It makes mistakes in interpreting issues, but an issue as black and white as are talking through your a**. So just shut the f*** up.

Originally posted by Vivekm
You are assuming INS to be perfect. There have been cases where INS transferred cases from one service center to another purely based on address change (even though company didn't change).

Does it happen in all cases? no. Should it happen? no.

Can it happen? Yes

Please learn to talk with deceny. Just because somebody doesn't agree with you and is actually presenting a case without being stubborn about his point, u have started abusing him.

I've seen Vivek come out with best of the suggestions and ideas on this forum. Please mind ur language. It came as a shock to me personally. :( :(
either its me thats making you so red hot mad (flattering).. or maybe thats just you.

However, all I can say is you are still assuming that INS is perfect which it is not ( plus inefficient and all). I won't find the links to info for such cases (because you are not that great that I've to satisfy you). So this would be my last message on this topic.

Take it easy. Its easy to be a prisoner of your own temper.
I moved to Phoenix from NJ and my case remains in Vermont center. My address was changed from NJ to Phoenix.
However I think VivekM might be right. There may have been cases. cases in INS have had gone for a toss just because of the whims of some INS officers

I have a similar case....I have a address in Oklahama and my case has always been in VSC....

I dont think they transfer cases based on Address change....
They can max transfer it to the local INs to take the final decision, but not to Service centers...
Change your address - Use AR 11

Though I agree with Vivekm that INS is unpredictable, I would still advice you to change your address. Because that way you are on the right side of the law. You dont want to do anything that can screw up your case, giving NJ address when you are actually in CA.
My case:
I started GC processing when I was in Indiana. Filed my I 140 from Portland, Oregon. Filed 485 from Houston, TX. Did fingerprinting from San Jose, CA. Got approval in San Jose, CA.
Company was throughout based in New Jersey. I kept making change of address. VSC continued processing my case.

Everything said and done

I am sure you are aware about INS's descision to STRICTLY ENFORCE THE 10 DAY ADDRESS CHANGE POLICY.

As long as they dont find out its ok, but god forbid if they do you may be in hot waters, so my 2 cents is abide by the law, because if you noticed most people on this thread, believe that change of address is not a bone of contention. as long as company address is unchanged.

Bottom line dont take a risk, because if you dont notify them of the address change, then it becomes A CRIMINAL OFFENCE.

Hope that helps
my 2 cents..

Hello Oct-4-2001,

I was in this situation (During Sept 2001).. According to my attorney, it's better to make sure what is specified in the Labor Approval before going for change of address procedure. If the Labor is for a specific geographical area, you might have to double check with attorney. In my case, it was specified that, "travelling required".. So, according to my Attorney, it's not a problem to re-locate to anywhere in US and inform the INS.
Last post from Nov2001RD make sense to me.

However, that was a must before AC21 rule was enacted, and now one can change jobs after 180 days ( so ideally they should be free to find a job anywhere) as long as job description is same.

I guess thats what AC21 is for.
(BTW I assumed that user has changed jobs in this case)
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Transfer to local INS when one is on a Move to some other state..


In fact, my receipt date is Oct 1 2001. Expecting approval in few weeks. I may have to move to Calif next month. In case, INS transfer my case to local office, if i am on the move, how to deal with it? do I have to come to the local office from calif? please thro' some light on this..


You already got an answer in some other thread you posted, I guess. Read all the posts in this thread, you'll get an answer.

By any chnace, it is better you first report your change of address to INS within 10 days of your move. Then even if they decide to transfer your case, they'll transfer it to the local office near your present address.

Priya, Expected approval for October Case


Just to be realistic :

The way August Cases are going on .... October cases can never be approved in next few weeks.

Probably, in next few months, hopefully in this year.

(BTW, I am also RD October one)
august case are getting approved at least in august.. so in that way, why can't I expect october will get approve october. thats why my question..

have great weekend
priya:D :D :D :D