Likely CP Interviews in Sep / Oct Chennai


Registered Users (C)
I am just starting a thread for all the folks who are expecting their Interviews to be held in chennai during Sep / Oct 2004.

Feel free to send in your thoughts and any information you can share with this community

Hi krishwork,

I guess with the way things are going with my application, I will be in the sept / oct pool only (hope its sept!!!!).

I am in the july/ aug forum as well but i think this is probably where I belong more.

Thanks so much for starting this thread and all the best. Do you have your data on cptracker ?

One thing - can somehow the title for the thread be changed to Sept/ October 2004 since there is one other October thread . Just for clarity. No big deal if thats not possible.


krishwork said:
I am just starting a thread for all the folks who are expecting their Interviews to be held in chennai during Sep / Oct 2004.

Feel free to send in your thoughts and any information you can share with this community

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Thread not busy yet...

Interesting that this thread has not become quite busy yet... I guess folks are still waiting to kow about their interview dates or are pretty busy following the july/ aug thread...

dilbert30 said:
Interesting that this thread has not become quite busy yet... I guess folks are still waiting to kow about their interview dates or are pretty busy following the july/ aug thread...


Hi Dilbert,
what's happening at ur end.have u received ur packet 3 from lawyer.
mine was waiting for packet 3
have a nice day
Hi VJ,

I recd P3 from NVC on May 28th. No progress since lawyers have not sent me the P3 to review... :(

After that only, they will send it to NVC. I sent them all the data for ds 232 part 1 in the 2nd week of march.

Thanks for asking..I am trying keep my cool...

this process is full of unexpected twists and turns and bymps..

VJ2002 said:
Hi Dilbert,
what's happening at ur end.have u received ur packet 3 from lawyer.
mine was waiting for packet 3
have a nice day
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dilbert30 said:
Hi VJ,

I recd P3 from NVC on May 28th. No progress since lawyers have not sent me the P3 to review... :(

After that only, they will send it to NVC. I sent them all the data for ds 232 part 1 in the 2nd week of march.

Thanks for asking..I am trying keep my cool...

this process is full of unexpected twists and turns and bymps..

Hi Dilbert,
don't worry.everyone in same boat.yesterday NVC sent packet 3 to my i have to get it from lawyer.
Chennai acknowledges the receipt of my case

Chennai acknowledged the receipt of my case and replied that my interview would likely be in August/September.
Have updated the <>. Also adding this update both into July/August & September/October threads. But wish it were in August ;)

Rashmi Rao
Hi Dilbert,
any progree at ur end.
My lawyer received Packet 3 yeaterday.i am waiting for :)
VJ and dilbert,
Just a suggestion --
Why are you guys waiting for your lawyer to send the packet to you, you can just go ahead and fill up the forms and send it to him so he can send it along with the bar code.

Why do you want to delay from your side ?

NOPE. Still waiting for lawyers to send me P3 for review. a little frustrated for sure..

As for the qn from vm on why I am not doing it myself - a couple of reasons - The lawyers have my data sheet and they are the ones who always fill all the forms . They are pretty well established and have handled many many cases for employees for my company. So I dont want to jeopardize anything by disturbing the well oiled system they have in place. Technically, the lawyers are hired by our employers for us - so we dont have much say in what they need to do. All this + many past experience has taught me that being patient is one of my best options.

Thanks for your concern,


VJ2002 said:
Hi Dilbert,
any progree at ur end.
My lawyer received Packet 3 yeaterday.i am waiting for :)
I agree patience is always the best solution, but I have seen in your previous postings that you are leading to frustation and -ve thinking so was just curious.

Anyways hope for the best.


Well, getting frustrated - does everyone not go thro it now and then by the time this process is done..

Btw - whats your case status? All the best..


vm1214 said:
I agree patience is always the best solution, but I have seen in your previous postings that you are leading to frustation and -ve thinking so was just curious.

Anyways hope for the best.

Just a quick question , how long a wait for you to get your Packet 3 forms after sending the $335
It has been two weeks and I am getting a little paranoid
krishwork said:
Just a quick question , how long a wait for you to get your Packet 3 forms after sending the $335
It has been two weeks and I am getting a little paranoid

Roughly 15 days for the St.Louis office to encash the check/MO and inform
the NH office of NVC. Then they take about 1 week to prepare the papers
and send them. Add another week for the papers to reach you or your

I sent the money on June 4th , so can I expecting to get the papers sometime this week or next week.
if I take one week to fill the form and send it by July 10th , when can I expect the interview date in Chennai (just an approximate guess)
vm1214 said:
VJ and dilbert,
Just a suggestion --
Why are you guys waiting for your lawyer to send the packet to you, you can just go ahead and fill up the forms and send it to him so he can send it along with the bar code.

Why do you want to delay from your side ?


Hi VM1214,
can i ask my lawyer to send my packet 3 and fill those forms and send back to NVC directly.i think it is just forms to fill what else we can send along with those forms.if that is teh case why we need to fill teh form and send to lawyer and lawyer sent back to us for sign.we can fill teh form and sent to NVC thsi correct?

Hi Dilbert,
i think we can fill that form sent to NVc directly.can 'we do that?
i asked my employer to send packet 3 to me.he said that he will this week.
he will ask lawyer to send the packet 3 to me.
i will fill thsoe forms and send NVC directly..
give me ur details...

That is what I was telling you to do.
If you can ask your lawyer to send the P3 then, Get the P3 along with the bar code sent by NVC, then just fill the forms and send it to NVC.

If you can't ask or if he is slow working person then you fill up the DS230-part I form and send it to him and ask him to post it to NVC.

I am assuming your payment stuff is clear (Off course NVC sends P3 only after payment is cleared)

vm1214 said:
That is what I was telling you to do.
If you can ask your lawyer to send the P3 then, Get the P3 along with the bar code sent by NVC, then just fill the forms and send it to NVC.

If you can't ask or if he is slow working person then you fill up the DS230-part I form and send it to him and ask him to post it to NVC.

I am assuming your payment stuff is clear (Off course NVC sends P3 only after payment is cleared)


Thanks for ur reply.
That's what i am looking for
Hi VJ,

Its pretty frustrating that my P3 is taking so long to be sent back. No update on my end. Although thats the case, I will not be asking my lawyers to send me the P3 and be mailing it myself. I dont want to create any sort of confusion or friction or change in procedure at this point - so late in the game. They usually put together the packet for the interview and go over with the employee, the contents of the packet, work with the employer to get ready employment letter etc - atleast in the past.. So, even though its a little frustrating, I am not going to disturb the process since I believe my current situation is not out of control yet.. hopefully..

Thanks for asking and all the best...
dilbert30 said:
Hi VJ,

Its pretty frustrating that my P3 is taking so long to be sent back. No update on my end. Although thats the case, I will not be asking my lawyers to send me the P3 and be mailing it myself. I dont want to create any sort of confusion or friction or change in procedure at this point - so late in the game. They usually put together the packet for the interview and go over with the employee, the contents of the packet, work with the employer to get ready employment letter etc - atleast in the past.. So, even though its a little frustrating, I am not going to disturb the process since I believe my current situation is not out of control yet.. hopefully..

Thanks for asking and all the best...

hi dilbert,
it is not that u r lawyer is going to do something in that forms
u just have to fill the form of DS-230 part1.everything is in the form is going to fill by u only not there is nothing lawyer will do in that form.he just send that to NVC once u signed that u can fill that form and send to NVC that is much faster than what ur lawyer will do.