***Likely*** August 2002 Interviews Tracker - Delhi Consulate


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Dilli Walon..
Let us track who all might be getting Aug interview
My details
Packet 3 reveiwed @ NVC : 06/13/02
Sent to NWD : ????? (prob they might have the electronic copy)

Chances of getting Aug Interview ??

U have a very slim chance for Aug ...Sept looks more probable ...

Mine and VSn both had review done on May 2nd ....but I got July while vsn got Aug !!!! The only thing that does come to my mind is that the PD and category (whether E1/E2/E3) might play a role in the final interview date ....
This is all guess work as there is no pattern ...
No Title

im9999, wasn\'t vsn\'s case sent to NWD a week before yours ?? Thats what cptracker says. Strange are the ways of NWD. I think their duplicate dates caused the screwup. Once June people cancelled the duplicate July dates, they probably freed up July dates which NWD randomly assigned. Thats my $0.02
Moulin ... ur thought also makes sense... i wish some guys with duplicate dates

confirm that their "other" case numbers are not there in the July dates !!!

Yaah, VSN\'s case was forwarded to the consulate a week before mine ... mine was done so on 5/15 but NWD already had my case in their system on 5/6 ... i guess that was the electronic copy ....
I think that NWD goes by the date the case was created at NVC

The reason I say so is that my case number seems to be after the cases that are listed on NWD\'s website.
Just a thought and as im9999 said that there is no clear pattern, its all guess and NWD\'s mood :)
Any changes of Aug Interview.

 My packet 3 was received on 12th of June . When can I expect the Interview date. Any ideas.
