Life Sucks


Registered Users (C)
I tried not to post my same message again. But i could not.

Reason I am reposting here is,

I got an RFE on OCT 28
replied on Nov 18 (FedEx). INS might have received on same day or atleast 19

Till now online status says "RFE issued on Oct 28 ..blabh blah"

what the heck they are doing?

If they are not approving right now, at least they can open the mail and update status.

I thought to call IIO. My lawyer is do not call.

By reading this forum (about freeze mesgs) i am getting mad

Really life suks here.

My happiness is gone when i started getting US $

May be i should rethink about "what the fuck I am doing here?"

At 12:00 Midnight i am posting this message.
Just think of me. what a stupid i am ?

Is this $ worth? What I do with $ if i won't wakeup in the morning. (I mean dead).

I lost something . time to go bed.
ola amigo...


I am in the step where you want to be. RFE submitted nov 18th. Updated 27th..
and I dont feel any better than you do...............

So take it easy..
I am getting ready to go back.. that makes me feel a lot more content....

Good luck,,
"Cheer up the worst is yet to come!"
- Anonymous.
Frustation will kill you guys! Stay alive!

You are going to reach the finish line!

And guess what guys, i never cared about a Green Card...
my company wanted to go for it about 4 years back and so i boarded.

And now what has changed after the Green Card....NOT ONE BIT.
I don't care about this card...for me the "Ration Card" from India is priceless.


RD OCT 2 2001
APPROVED NOV 14th 2002
PP Stamped DEC 2 2002
What was the rfe for

If it is taking so time, my guess is they are trasnferring the case to local INS...