Letter writing suggestions


Registered Users (C)
I was looking at some of the letters sent. This is not meant to slate someone in public but a couple of observations:

1: When you write a letter please do not use CAPITALS or !!! afte a word or sentence. Those in a letter convey that you are SHOUTING. And none of you are. You cannot be rude to a US Senator or Rep. This could actually be causing more damage than good.

2: If you have to use some emphasis, you can use italics or bold, but never CAPS. No emoticons ( :) )either. Also, use may use ** enclosing a word(shown below) but use these within limits. Remember, you are writing a formal letter here.

Thanks and once again this is not meant to slate anyone in public. I think some of you are doing a *great* job.

May the force be with you.

Good post. Also dont berate any Senators here, this is an open forum. Senators have their interns do the grunt work and they possibly trawl sites like these. Seeing bad words written by people who want the Senators work for them is not a good motivation for anybody to help you out.

Dont give me the crap about free speech etc. Yes, you are free to give your opinions, but if you hurt someone they will not work with you period.
