Letter to a congressmen regarding the security check delay


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My security check is still pending since last summer although we passed an interview at local San Jose office. No words to express frustration although I know everyone here is in more or less similar position.

I am thinking now of writing a letter/complaint to a local congressman since I heard it may make some difference.

I would appreciate any help of anyone who:
-can suggest a good lawyer who can help to write this letter (my current lawyer is not expressing interest in doing this)
-or point some threads or online resources where this has been discussed
-or can share personal experience of making such a letter

Thanks in advance.
Hi, stain,
You had better visit directly Congressperson's district office.
I don't think you need a special formal letter.
An Immigration caseworker has a form that you should fill out and sign.
I think it must be your specific issue rather than general security check issue.
Originally posted by kashmir
You had better visit directly Congressperson's district office.

Thank you Kashmir.
There is a local congress district that seems to cover most of the Silicon Valley: http://www-eshoo.house.gov/
Does this look like the right place to go?

I don't think you need a special formal letter.
An Immigration caseworker has a form that you should fill out and sign.
I think it must be your specific issue rather than general security check issue.

Not sure what you mean. Who is "an Immigration caseworker"?
Is this someone who must be present in the Congresswomen's local district office. So I should appear in the office above in person without a lawyer and ask for the "immigration caseworker"?
Or is this the person who is working on my case at the local BCIS office?
Hi, stain,
> Thank you Kashmir.
You're welcome.

> There is a local congress district that seems to cover most of the Silicon Valley: http://www-eshoo.house.gov/
> Does this look like the right place to go?

Please check at http://www.house.gov/ with your zip code.

> Not sure what you mean. Who is "an Immigration caseworker"?
> Is this someone who must be present in the Congresswomen's local district office.

Yes, she is one of Congressperson's staffs at the district office.
She will make an inquiry to USCIS or FBI.

> So I should appear in the office above in person without a lawyer and ask for the "immigration caseworker"?

You don't need to bring a lawyer.
It might be better to call to make an appointment.

> Or is this the person who is working on my case at the local BCIS office?

Absolutely No.

Good luck.