Letter From Chicago DO


Registered Users (C)
Today I received a letter from Chicago DO office regarding my N400. It stated that my background check remains under investigation and it can take up to 6 months. We will notify you once the decision has been made. I am still waiting for an Interview letter.
Has anyone received a letter like this? What does this means? I send my application to Nebraska service center on December 2nd, 2006 and letter should be generated from Nebraska service center not from Chicago DO. Is this mean my file has been tranfered to Chicago DO and they are waiting for my background check to complete?

Someone please help me with this.

Priority Date: - December 5th, 2006
Finger Print: - January 2nd, 2007
Your PD is more than 30 days behind Chicago published processing date of January 12th. Call them, request transferring to IO, and place service request to investigate your case. IO should be able to give your location of your file, status of name check, and so on.

But it seems to me, that by mailing that letter they got ahead of the game: name check in progress, nothing we can do, just get lost for the next 6 months, our dear customer...
I got the same letter after putting a service request

I got the same letter saying "Your application has been delayed; the investigation into your background remains open, ...contact us after 6 months..."

This was after I put a service request cause my case was more than 30 days outside normal processing time then.

My N-400 info:
RD: 10/25/2006
FingerPrinting: 11/14/2006 Result returned to USCIS on the same day.
Nothing received ever since.
Put a service request: 07/18/2007
Got service request reply: 08/06/2007
Did you make an inquiry over the USCIS phone line? I would be very surprised if USCIS started sending these delay letters on their own.

Today I received a letter from Chicago DO office regarding my N400. It stated that my background check remains under investigation and it can take up to 6 months. We will notify you once the decision has been made. I am still waiting for an Interview letter.
Has anyone received a letter like this? What does this means? I send my application to Nebraska service center on December 2nd, 2006 and letter should be generated from Nebraska service center not from Chicago DO. Is this mean my file has been tranfered to Chicago DO and they are waiting for my background check to complete?

Someone please help me with this.

Priority Date: - December 5th, 2006
Finger Print: - January 2nd, 2007
I had to make a Inquiry over the phone to find out the status of my case. Like TDI2005t , my case was outside the normal processing time.

Its a good sign that they are tracking cases which are old.