Let us fight for 3yrs credit towards Citizenship


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BCIS by settling the Ngwanyia case in court admitts that it delayed asylee adjustments at least by three years and that delayed Citizenship application by asylees by three years.

So my suggestion is that let us find a pro-bono lawyer or civic organization who will be willing to take up our case and persue a solution in the court of law. The case is very strong and an easy one to win for any average law firm or organization. You know what it means if we win the case??? It means we are eligible to apply to Citizenship the day we receive our GCs.

I am sure the litigation will not take three years to finish so either way it won't hurt us in any way.

Any ideas or suggestions?
sbernal said:
yeah it will probably take 3 years to get solved!!!

Assuming the asylees won, which category of asylees would be eligible (those with ND 2000, ND 2001, or before?) ? I am sure BCIS would fight hard for such litigation because they know that such a ruling (in asylees favor) would set a precedence to future asylees or other category of immigrants. I would assume it would take years (more than 3 years) to settle such litigation.

Asylees lost the golden opportunity when AILF failed to include the above point on the settlement. That litigation was going for three years, but AILF couldn't make it happen despite the district court judges backs it up. I wouldn't imagine that another litigation would bear a fruit.
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Contacted the office of Mary Keeney fro AILF

I called the office of Mary Keeney, one of the Lawyers representing asylees in the settlement, and spoke with her para legal Kerry Foley. According to her they couldn't get BCIS to agree for the three years credit towards Citizenship. She also advised me to contact Mary next Thursday when she gets back from out of town trip to discuss it further.

I am going to ask Mary if they will be willing to help us or recommend someone who can. I don't want any asylee to live the nightmare I lived if I can prevent it, even one. If it takes more than three years to finish litigation so be it at least someone out there after me will have his/her lawful presence in the country recognized. My guess is that the GOVT will settel it without making a fool out of itself.
juniorr said:
Besu you just have to let me know and i am with you!
Thank you!

The other option would be to initiate a legislative action that Congress revise the language of the law such that asylees must be issued with a GC having the the same date as on I-485 ND. This may not having effect on those of us, but will definetely benefit future asylees.
I don't know what would the immigration office have lost if they agreed to give us credit for the years lost toward our citizenships when they have agreed for the settelment...I bet you if the guys from that office who had our case didn't settel the case with them, the judge would have granted it for us as mad as he was with the immigration office when he called it "a national embaresment". Our only hope is the media. we should contact different networks to do a documentary or a show about our lives and cases. It might bring sooner results or at east it will move the water and start a case
The thing is we could do something but will USCIS follow it? Even with Cap Removal they haven't moved on with giving us GC's..while they are beginning to implement the BAD part of the Real ID act...Where is the justice?

The day REAL ID was approved..they should've gone with the adjustments..as many as possible until SEP 30, 2005!!! Y do they have to wait for the judge?? this is just waisting time...the way 33,000 cases were handled before..thtas how its being handled now..APril was when REAL ID was signed in BIll..its been almost 3 months..Gimme a break.
Wantmygcnow has double standards

Hey Wantmygcnow, I think you have double standrads. When I suggested to let's send our concerns about our wasted time and extending the validity of RTD (BTW this is how wasted is spelled, you've been spelling it "waisted in all your posts where you used this word ;) )to Judge and fax our letters before he signs the Ngwanyia Ashcroft Bill, you told me to give my hand some rest and not to mess things up. Now you seem to be pretty upset about how things are moving along with the settlement and want to raise your concern. Whose side are you on man? At that time they asked all asylees to raise a hand if they have any objections to the settlement and some people agreed with me but you scared everyone away.
Like your name suggests WantMyGCNow, I don't think you do...
BTW Here is the link to the post I'm referring to, in case I need to refresh your memory ...
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My point then and always NOw is that ...that settlement took 18 months to get resolved. You had mentioned that we should send objections to the settlement. This post here mentions about a New lawsuit which has no bearing on any previous lawsuits. Even the AILF lawyers were crossing their fingers that no one objects because they had also spent 18 months of thier life PRO-BONO on that case...

And if you read that post. I reminded you that the lawsuit didn't include RTD validity questions. and the point was the lawsuit should get passed and NOW we all have the right to be pissed dont you think with them not even adjusting 1999 case(Gino's)..

A new lawsuit is a totally new ballgame..While if that lawsuit had not passed..and lets say we had all objected and it had stretched to another 12 months, I don't think all of these 2001 cases that are getting emails would've gotten emails...

I am a bad speller so give me a break(or brake?) :)

BTW my wife is of punjabi descent....but wish I could speak Punjabi.
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That's OK

OBjections to settlement or a new litigation, we would have been looking at the same results but that's OK. I accept your point.
BTW I'm willing to help you with Punjabi in anyway I can. If you have any questions, shoot ;)
Punjabi_Munda..Thanks I am also learning from my wifey....but its tough as hell cuz there are no classes that are offered in any university..that I know of..